King Charles and Queen Camilla have been a part of each other's lives for over five decades, and the past seven months have demonstrated that the Queen has truly embraced her role, much to the King's delight.

The year has been overshadowed by concerns about royal health, but the Queen's importance on the public stage has soared as she continues to adeptly step in and keep the Royal show running.

As she nears her 77th birthday, Camilla's significance is being recognised more than ever, notes a leading royal expert.

"Camilla is certainly rocking it as she approaches her 77th birthday," former BBC Royal correspondent Jennie Bond exclusively tells OK!

The Queen has expertly stepped up to her role (
Getty Images)

"I think she might have surprised herself by enjoying hard work as much as she seems to be doing! ", reports OK!.

"She is, after all, a woman who has never had to commit to a solid career or the grind of a 9 to 5 job. She has taken on a significantly increased workload and a huge amount of responsibility in the past few months - and is looking and sounding great on it! ".

Reflecting on how her hard work is partly due to her closeness with King Charles, Jennie adds: "I think part of it is because she so much wants the man she loves to be proud of her, and to pull her weight in their partnership."

"But also it must be so gratifying to have earned widespread approval - even affection - from a public who once ganged up against her as the 'marriage breaker' and the 'other woman' who made Diana so unhappy."

"I think Diana was absolutely right to tell me that Camilla was 'loyal' and that Charles's love for Camilla was stronger than any marriage he might ever have made."

"These days I think Camilla is looking sleeker, smarter and more stylish than ever and she has grown immeasurably in confidence. What a contrast to those early days when she looked and sounded so very nervous if she had to speak in public. Now she is assured, confident and comfortable in her new and very demanding role."

The commentary from Jennie comes on the heels of the Queen Consort, Camilla, giving a rare speech praising the country's servicemen and women as a "source of inspiration, reassurance and pride" during recent Armed Forces Day celebrations.

In her poignant message, Camilla also underscored her personal links to the Armed Forces, identifying herself as the "proud daughter of an Army officer". Notably, she wore her Royal Lancers brooch in tribute to her late father's regiment and the military unit for which she serves as Colonel in Chief.

Major Shand's military exploits were nothing short of remarkable; he served with the 12th Lancers during WWII, bagging the Military Cross twice first in 1940 for his actions during the Dunkirk evacuation, and again in 1942 for his valour in the North Africa campaign. Despite being wounded and taken prisoner in the same theatre, he lived to tell the tale, passing away at 89 in June 2006.

In her heartfelt video message, Camilla paid homage to the Armed Forces, thanking them for "everything you do to protect this country of ours". She also honoured those who gave their lives for peace worldwide.

On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the Queen remarked: "Eight decades later, I know that same spirit and those same qualities remain much in evidence throughout our Armed Forces, as you undertake your duties in the face of a multitude of challenges and dangers."

She continued to praise the forces, saying: "In so doing, you not only protect these Isles, but also defend liberties way beyond these shores. Your determination, unrelenting efforts and selfless loyalty to each other and to the United Kingdom are as enduring as our gratitude."