Sixty years ago, the world watched in awe as Princess Elizabeth was crowned Queen of England.

Those who saw the splendour of the Coronation will never forget it.

As well as the millions who celebrated at home or at street parties across the country, there were the lucky few inside Westminster Abbey who witnessed the historic moment first hand.

And while six decades have passed, many still vividly recall the event’s drama, ­emotion and pageantry.

The Queen, then aged 25, succeeded her father King George VI when he died on February 6, 1952.

But it was not until June 2, 1953, when she was 26, that she was crowned.

Here, as the anniversary approaches, some of those who played a part in the Coronation share their memories of that momentous day.

Queen’s Champion and Bearer of the Union Standard Lt Col John Dymoke

Captain John L Marmion Dymoke (
HIP / Spectrum)

Then a lowly Captain the 26-year-old, six months younger than princess Elizabeth, was called to perform the ceremonial role which has been in his family since they arrived in England with William the Conquerer.

Traditionally, the King or Queen’s champion rides into Westminster Hall on Coronation day on a charger.

Dressed head to toe in armour, they literally throw down a gauntlet glove and make three challenges to dual anyone who stakes a claim on the throne of England.

This week Lt Col Dymoke gave The Sunday Mirror access to his diary entry from the day.

“I rose very early in the morning, about 5am, and dressed with immaculate care. My car a large black and yellow Pontiac arrived at about 6.30am,” he wrote.

“I had eaten no breakfast as I was far too nervous. Everything that could move that morning was moving and I had great fear of being late.

“Parliament Square was, as indeed all London was, looking magnificent. Stands with bunting and flowers and coloured banners had been erected.

“Parliament Square reminded me of the stands laid for the spectators during the Middle Ages.

"Everybody was in the spirit and the bells of the Abbey were pealing.

“On arrival at the Abbey we had about three hours to wait before the procession started.

“Naturally it was an experience to be had once in a lifetime. Never shall I see such regalia and a wondrous collection of fine jewellery, the banks must have been empty on this day....

“We walked slowly down the aisle, thickly blue carpeted, to the strains of Handel and handed the standards over to the Baron of the Cinque Ports and proceeded towards the alter.

“Here I turned left and took my seat overlooking the procession.

“I had an excellent view of the whole ceremony and was impressed beyond all words with the pomp, the grandeur and the precision.

“The Queen was magnificent and radiant and so full of grace and confidence.

“The procession for leaving the Abbey was reversed and all went according to plan.

“After it was over I went together with a lot of others to Westminster Hall where we drank and relaxed.

“Thus ended a very great day in my life.”

Choirboy Richard Watts

Choirboy Richard Watts (
Sunday Mirror)

“I was nine and there were lots of choir boys but I felt special because I went to the Abbey’s school.

“Singing for Royalty was par for the course so we weren’t as fazed as the others.

“I remember it was the day they announced Everest had been conquered and in those days it was a pretty amazing thing – like a man landing on the moon.

“I was very much into all the TV cameras being there and it was the first major outside broadcast.

“We were given sandwiches and all sorts of things to keep us going.

"Ovaltine tablets, glucose tablets, barley sugar, bread and butter, an apple, 1/4 lb slab of chocolate, but we’d all eaten them before the service started.”

Choirboy Philip Hutchings

Choirboy Philip Hutchings (

Then aged 13, a Wolverhampton choirboy, chosen to sing.

“I was one of 20 boys selected from parish churches in the UK under the auspicious of the Royal School of Church Music.

“I came from St Peter’s Colliegate Church in Wolverhampton where my father was the organist and choirmaster although he said that wasn’t the reason I was chosen.

“The boys selected gathered at Addington Palace in Croydon and underwent a month’s training. We all had to be note perfect and we stayed in dormitories.

“One of the songs we sang was I Was Glad which was sung at William and Kate’s wedding.

“The Queen was beautiful young woman and I felt very honoured to be involved. I was given a Coronation medal and I still have it.

“My voice broke within two years of that but I still like choral music and my grand-daughter Jessica sings today.”

Lady-in-waiting Lady Anne Glenconner

Lady Anne Glenconner is standing in the middle of the three women on the left (

“We were treated like the Spice Girls. We were followed around and photographed. It was all terribly exciting.

"We had endless rehearsals, and all of it was organised by the Duke of Norfolk.

“His wife, the duchess, filled in for most of them, but we had one rehearsal with the Queen, wearing a curtain trailed along her back in place of the dress.

“We all had to be the daughters of earls, marquesses or dukes, and our parents generally knew the Queen.

"We were chosen for our figures and the way we looked.

“Four of us went back to Buckingham Palace with the Queen afterwards and we were all so relieved that nothing had gone wrong.

“It was so moving. I felt very faint, perhaps because we had not had any breakfast.

"We had each been given a phial of smelling salts and told to wiggle our toes.

"I was standing at the back, and Black Rod (a senior officer in the House of Lords) was standing there and realised I was faint, so he pinioned me with his arm and got me through it.

“It was like a medieval tapestry. Having been brought up in the war when there was no food and it was so bleak, suddenly it was all brightly lit, with all the peers in their robes and the choir singing.

"It was wonderful.”

Page boy Jeremy Clyde

Page boy Jeremy Clyde (

“I came to be involved because my grandfather was the 7th Duke of Wellington and I was the right age so I got the gig.

“There was quite a lot of survival technique involved because we weren’t allowed to have a pee so there was no drinking the night before because it was long day.

“Driving in the coach was extraordinary and I was doing the Queen Mother wave at all these people.

“My job was to hold my grandfather’s coronet and some people had put sandwiches in theirs.

“All the Pages had swords and if you give a 12 year old a sword and another 12 year has a sword it was a case of ‘have at you my liege’ so all these Pages were eyeing each other up and turning into Errol Flynn.

“We were right up front because my grandfather was with the other Knights of the Garter including Winston Churchill who had to shield the Queen for the anointing.”

Celebrations in 2013

Choir of Westminster Abbey member Seung-Youn (
Bill Prentice Photographer)

A Service of Celebration at Westminster Abbey on Tuesday 4th June will be attended by Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, and Members of the Royal Family.

Choir of Westminster Abbey member Seung-Youn, 13, will be singing, he said: “It’s always amazing to sing at special occasions like this and especially when it’s The Queen. I’m really looking forward to it.”

Were you there?

Were you at the Coronation in 1953? Did you have relatives there? We would love to hear your memories and see your pictures. Please send them to