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'My boyfriend abandoned me on holiday after I told him I was pregnant'

Pregnant Gabriella Sofia Buxton was devastated when her boyfriend walked out on her during a romantic break, saying he didn’t want to be a dad. The yoga teacher, 29, explains how she came to terms with it

Gabriella was devastated when her boyfriend walked out on her during a romantic break

It was the middle of the night and I was pregnant and crying on the pavement outside an Italian Airbnb.

My boyfriend David* had just left me because I’d wanted to talk about why I might want to go through with my unexpected pregnancy.

I felt like I was looking down on myself from above, watching us hug and cry, hearing him tell me he loved me but couldn’t cope with the situation.

I could see him getting into the taxi and speeding off. And me, left behind, feeling broken and alone, in shock, thinking, “Did that really just happen?”

Just days earlier, in May 2018, I’d begun to suspect I was pregnant.

We’d agreed I’d come off the hormonal contraceptive 10 months earlier because of the effect it was having on my body, and we were using the withdrawal method.

I hadn’t even missed a period but I had strange pulling sensations in my stomach and kept needing the loo.

I took a test and it was positive. My first instinct was to head to the abortion clinic. I knew David, 26, wasn’t ready to be a dad.