A man who received 120 Freddo bars as a gift following the diagnosis of a medical condition has been forced to give them up - because of the condition itself.

Lumbered with two boxes of the famous Cadbury treat, the bloke appealed for suggestions on what to do with them to avoid food waste. Freddo bars have long been associated with the cost of living crisis owing to their drastic increase in price in recent times.

For well over a decade the frog-themed chocolate set punters back just 10p a pop, but today you can expect to pay at least 27p per bar. Taking to Reddit's CasualUK subreddit, the receiver of the kind gesture penned: "Got given 120 Freddos by sweet friends following diagnosis of a medical condition. Can't eat them because of that medical condition. Suggestions please."

The man was soon met with a series of hilarious ideas, with one Reddit user advising: "Grate them into a bath. Fill bath with goats milk. Bathe in the chocolaty ooze. Regain lost youth. Take over Egypt."

Another joked: "At the rate the price is increasing you'll be a millionaire this time next week. Hold on to them, before long they will be 50p." A third recommended: "Melt them all down and make a giant Freddo. Then raise money for charity by asking people to guess the weight."

And in a more morbid suggestion, a fourth user penned: "If it’s a terminal medical diagnosis I can think of worse ways to go than overdosing on Freddos."

Others offered more serious suggestions, with one Redditor adding: "Donate them for good karma/feel good fuzzies! Look out for a local tombola/raffle asking for prizes to. Or ask local scouts/brownies etc if they'd like them either as a gift/prize/tuck shop stock."

A second concurred: "Melt and use in baking. Give to a local hospital for NHS staff. Give to a food bank. Give to a local school to use as little gifts for students or prizes in different school events. Just keep them and give to family and friends - they keep a long time!"

A third wrote: "Donate them to local schools so they can use them to teach economics, seeming as the Freddo is the gold standard for inflation." And a fourth user said: "Put one or two inside birthday/Christmas cards of people you like but wouldn’t necessarily get a full on gift for - co workers etc."

Contrary to popular belief, Freddo isn't a British icon at all. The confectionary was dreamt up in Australia during the 1930s, before being sold to Cadury in 1967. The Sydney Morning Herald claims that Harry Melbourne was just 18 years old when he invented the famous frog while working for MacRobertson Chocolates.