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Top Tory fails to rule out fining parents if kids don't do National Service

Foreign Office minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan refused to rule out fining parents if their adult children don't take part in National Service in the latest shambolic twist

Rishi Sunak's national service plan has been met with a backlash(Getty Images)

A Tory minister has refused to rule out fining parents if their adult children don't take part in Rishi Sunak's heavily-criticised National Service plan.

In the latest shambolic twist Foreign Office minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan said the scheme would be compulsory in the same way staying in education or training until 18 is. But when asked if mums and dads could be penalised if their kids fail to turn up, she did not say no.

Ms Trevelyan told Times Radio: "I'm not going to write the detailed policy now. That's what a royal commission programme of works will be for." And she went on to claim that failing to take part could harm job prospects.

The minister ITV's Good Morning Britain: "This will be encouraged and will become part of the norms. Importantly, of course, when you then as a young person apply for a job, there will be a question that employers will want to know how you got involved - either because were able to achieve one of the 30,000 places (in the armed forces) or because you were volunteering in one or other part of your community."

Jonathan Ashworth, Labour’s Shadow Paymaster General, said: “Hour by hour these chaotic Tories’ plans are unravelling. Now, the Tories are suggesting massive fines and even prison sentences for innocent parents whose 18-year-olds fail to turn up to national service. The costs of this unfunded scheme are ballooning, government ministers are openly criticising it and the Tory campaign can’t answer basic questions about how it applies to Northern Ireland.

“This is yet more chaos brought to our country by the Tories - and every day, families across Britain are paying the price. It’s time for change with Labour; to end the chaos, turn the page and rebuild Britain.”

The PM has announced that all 18-year-olds will be forced to take part in his proposed new programme. Young people would be given a choice between a full-time placement in the armed forces for 12 months or spending one weekend a month for a year "volunteering," in their community.

But senior military figures and experts voiced doubts about Mr Sunak's idea. Admiral Adam West, former chief of the naval staff, branded the plan "bonkers", telling The Guardian: “I’m delighted if more young people become aware of defence and are involved … but this idea is basically bonkers. “We need to spend more on defence, and – by doing what he’s suggesting – money will be sucked out of defence.”