Police will not prosecute Dominic Cummings over his lockdown breach - but he may yet face further legal action.

The former North west chief prosecutor Nazir Afzal had presented a 255-page dossier to detectives in Durham.

The move followed a joint Mirror/Guardian investigation which revealed the trip made by Boris Johnson ’s former chief of staff to his parents’ home on the outskirts of the city last March.

Mr Afzal said it was ‘hugely disappointing’ that Durham Police had decided to take no further action.

But he added: “I am considering with my legal team what further avenues to pursue because millions of people would want us to.

“This is also going to form part of my recent decision to examine the legal implications of the whole extent of the Government’s failures on covid.”

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A police officer points the way to Number 10 special advisor Dominic Cummings as he leaves his residence in north London (

He said it was unclear if police had asked for the views of the Crown Prosecution Service on new witness evidence of an alleged 3rd breach that Mr Cummings ‘had not previously revealed’.

The dossier alleged that the claims made by Mr Cummings on May 25 about his lockdown trip affected the course of justice.

Durham Police’s deputy chief constable Dave Orford has now written to Mr Afzal’s lawyers to inform them that they will not be taking any further action.

He states: “Durham Constabulary has considered your submissions and the allegations raised that are relevant to the force’s area of responsibility.

Cummings made a statement inside 10 Downing Street on May 25 (

“We have considered all of the material provided. However, it does not change our decision from that outlined in our press release dated 28th May in respect of Mr Dominic Cummings, and we take a similar view in respect of his wife Mary Wakefield.

“We do not consider the relevant tests are made out in relation to any potential offences raised within your submission. Therefore, Durham Constabulary will be taking no further action.”

Mr Afzal gave extensive details of the allegations which were also sent to Met police and Max Hill, director of public prosecutions.

His legal team claimed the ‘legal test’ for such a prosecution had been met. Mr Afzal added: “I have spent a lifetime prosecuting cases without fear or favour. We are nothing without the rule of law and it applies to everybody or to nobody.

Cummings was spotted at Barnard Castle (

“When I learnt that one of the architects of the rules that we all rightly had to comply with in order to keep each other safe, rode a coach and horse through them and that his political masters decided to put a ring of steel around him, I had no choice but to take this further.

“All the research tells us that this one act diminished public confidence in lockdown.”

The dossier had accused Mr Cummings and his wife, Mary Wakefield, of alleged offences under the coronavirus regulations for leaving their ‘primary home’ in London and their ‘second home’ in Durham without, it said, a reasonable excuse.

Durham Police said Mr Cummings may have breached locked down rules by travelling to Barnard Castle on April 12. It made no finding on his decision to leave London for Durham.

Barnard Castle, less than 30 miles southwest of Durham, north east England, is a popular tourist village (

At the time, the force said there was “insufficient evidence” that Cummings travelled to Durham a second time on April 19.

Mr Cummings claimed he had evidence that proved he was in London that day. Boris Johnson told MPs that he had seen that evidence.

No 10 refused repeated requests to release it.

Mr Cummings resigned last year following an internal Downing Street feud about his influence.

He has consistently denied any wrongdoing in his trip to his parents’ home.

He claimed he acted “reasonably” by taking the trip north while his wife had coronavirus symptoms, in case they might need childcare for their young son.