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EXCLUSIVE: Opponents hit out as rape tweet row Tory escapes punishment despite comments

Councillor Shaun Slator remains suspended from the Conservative Party amid an investigation following his web post about an alleged rape last month

Councillor Shaun Slator appeared to be a suggesting a rape victim was a prostitute

Campaigners have hit out after a Tory councillor who suggested an alleged rape victim was “likely” to be a prostitute escaped punishment.

The Mirror revealed last month how Shaun Slator made the slur in a tweet reacting to an online news story about the alleged sex attack being probed by police.

Underneath a Twitter post of a web media report headlined “Woman raped in Plumstead park in early hours” - and which included a police comment - he wrote: “More likely that it's a punter that didn't pay.”

His comments were referred to Bromley Council in South East London, which commissioned a probe after receiving complaints.

But a leaked copy of the report found Mr Slator was not acting in his capacity as a councillor when he posted the tweet - and decided he should not be sanctioned.

The investigator said they were “agonised” about their conclusion.

The council’s monitoring officer decided there was no breach of its code of conduct - meaning no further investigation would take place.

The Mirror revealed the tweet last month
Mr Slator refused to comment to the Mirror when contacted today

The report said: “It is appreciated that this view will perplex and disappoint some, if not all the complainants and other people.