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Keir Starmer tells voters 'today we can begin a new chapter'

Labour is on the brink of a historic General Election victory, which would mark one of the most sensational political comebacks ever, with polling stations open from 7am to 10pm

Keir Starmer has warned that voters must back Labour today to get change(PA)

Keir Starmer has declared that Britain can “begin a new chapter” if the country votes Labour today.

The party is on the brink of a historic General Election victory, which would mark one of the most sensational political comebacks ever. The country has the chance to boot out the Tories after 14 years of misery. Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm.

In an election day message to the nation, Mr Starmer said: “Britain’s future is on the ballot. Today, vote to turn the page on the last 14 years.” Appealing to people to put their trust in him, he urged: “Vote for a changed Labour Party that is now ready to serve and change Britain.”

But in a warning against complacency, he added: “Change will only happen if you vote for it.”

Mr Starmer has said he will get on with the job of fixing Britain right away if he enters 10 Downing Street tomorrow. He is promising to revive the economy, put 6,500 more teachers in schools and bring down NHS waiting lists by putting on millions of extra hospital appointments. The party has also vowed to put more police on the streets, bring down household bills with GB Energy and restore control of the country’s borders.

Mr Starmer said: “Today, Britain can begin a new chapter. A new age of hope and opportunity after 14 years of chaos and decline. This is a great nation, with boundless potential. The British people deserve a government that matches their ambition. Today is the chance to begin the work of rebuilding Britain with Labour.”

Rishi Sunak has been visiting Tory-held seats with massive majorities(PA)

He went on: “The choice today is clear. Between a changed Labour Party that stands ready to restore politics to service and rebuild Britain. Or a Tory party that crashed our economy, left public services in ruin, and now wants to give us Liz Truss 2.0 with more unfunded spending promises. We cannot afford five more years under the Conservatives.”