Iran has vowed to target the White House over the US killing of General Qassem Soleimani.

And Tehran placed a £61million bounty on Donald Trump ’s head.

As Boris Johnson called for calm, one Iranian MP warned: “We can attack the White House itself.

The Middle East crisis is escalating dramatically with Iran’s threat to attack the White House over the killing of Qassem Soleimani.

Tehran vowed revenge at the heart of the US after the Quds Force general was killed by a Reaper drone last Friday in Baghdad.

America is sending an extra 4,000 paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division to reinforce its bases in Iraq.

But today, Baghdad was gearing up to kick out foreign forces on its soil and ban them from using its land, airspace or water for any reason.

And commanders are believed to have planned a possible emergency evacuation of Brits in the region as it teeters on the brink of all-out war.

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Qassem Soleimani's funeral sees heightened threats as mourners united against America

As hundreds of thousands joined funeral processions for Soleimani across Iran, with mourners chanting “death to America”, Boris Johnson finally broke his silence on the crisis as he returned from a holiday in the Caribbean to declare: “We will not lament his death.”

Iranian MPs opened Parliament on Sunday with lawmakers chanting in unison: ‘death to America��

One, Abolfazl Aboutorabi, warned: “We can attack the White House itself, we can respond to them on the ­American soil. We have the power and we will respond in an appropriate time.

“When someone declares war do you want to respond to bullets with flowers? They will shoot you in the head.”

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned American bases, warships and soldiers would all “pay the price” for killing Soleimani.

Thousands of Iraqis chanted "Death to America" today as they mourned the deaths of al-Muhandis and Soleimani, killed in the US drone attack

He said: “When the coffins of American soldiers and officers begin to be transported to the United States, Trump and his administration will realise that they have really lost the region.”

Tehran also declared it would roll back its on ­international nuclear ­commitments and there would be no limits on research or uranium ­enrichment, stoking fears it could soon have a nuclear weapon.

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Mr Trump had ramped up the rhetoric by threatening to target 52 Iranian sites “very fast and very hard” if Tehran strikes US assets. He tweeted: “The United States just spent two trillion dollars on military equipment.

“If Iran attacks an American Base, or any American, we will be sending some of that brand new beautiful equipment their way... and without hesitation.”

But Iran foreign minister Javad Zarif accused the president of ­committing “grave breaches” of ­international law over the killing of Soleimani and called him a “terrorist in a suit.

Coalition forces, including 450 of British troops, have retreated back into Iraqi bases as they braced themselves for a wave of revenge attacks. It sparked fears of an Islamic State uprising.

America is sending the extra 4,00 ­paratroopers from the Airborne Division from Fort Bragg in North Carolina to its bases in Iraq.

But it came as politicians in Baghdad passed a resolution to oust thousands of US troops from the country.

Former commander of British troops in Afghanistan Colonel Richard Kemp is calling for immediate increase in the number of UK armed personnel in the Gulf (

A senior security source said: ­“Extraction of troops is one of the most dangerous parts of an operation as you have to ­carefully collapse positions.

“There is inevitably an ever-decreasing number of troops left who need protecting during the withdrawal so it is by no means as simple as just leaving.”

Former commander of British troops in Afghanistan Colonel Richard Kemp called for an immediate increase in the number of UK armed personnel in the Gulf.

He said: ­“Otherwise an emboldened and resurgent Islamic State could ­inevitably lead to an increased risk again of terrorism against Europe.”

Iranians march on January 5, 2020 in the streets of northwestern city Ahvaz as an homage to General Qasem Soleimani

British warships HMS Montrose and HMS Defender landed a new mission to escort British shipping in the Gulf amid fears of Iranian attacks. It emerged Soleimani was in Iraq to help fight IS.

His body was returned to Iran on Sunday and flown to the city of Ahvaz in the country’s ­southwest.

Mr Johnson did not condemn Mr Trump for ordering the attack last week, which also killed Iraqi paramilitary chief Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. But he called for calm.

The PM said: “Soleimani posed a threat to all our ­interests and was responsible for ­disruptive, ­destabilising behaviour in the region.

“Given the leading role he has played in actions that have led to the deaths of innocent civilians and western personnel, we will not lament his death.

"It is clear however that all calls for retaliation or reprisals will lead to more violence and they are in no one’s interest.

Equipment assigned to 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division is loaded into aircraft bound for the US Central Command area of operations

“We are in close contact with all sides to encourage ­de-escalation.”

Downing Street insisted his remarks were not intended as a criticism of Mr Trump’s actions. The PM will hold meetings with ministers on the matter on Monday.

Multiple rockets have been launched at the US embassy in Baghdad. They are believed to have hit nearby homes, killing civilians. It is the second night in a row it has been targeted.

A US military service member and two contractors died in an Islamist attack on a military base in Kenya.