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What Keir Starmer's Labour Government will change immediately in first 100 days in office

Keir Starmer has made it clear he wants to hit the ground running as Prime Minister and begin delivering on what Labour has promised to voters - here's what is about to change

Election 2024: Keir Starmer makes speech after securing seat

Labour has stormed to victory with a massive majority in the General Election, handing Keir Starmer the keys to No10.

The Labour leader was officially asked to form a Government by the King yesterday, bringing an end to 14 long years of Conservative rule. Mr Starmer has made it clear he wants to hit the ground running and begin delivering the changes he's promised to voters.

The first 100 days is crucial for any new Government. Mr Starmer has already said he'll cut MPs' summer holiday short so they can start getting new laws through Parliament, in a sign that he's a man in a hurry.

But how will things change under a Labour Government? Here are the key things to look out for in the first 100 days.

Labour leader Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria at the Tate Modern(Jeff Moore/PA Wire )

New MPs and forming a Government

The country has elected 650 new MPs, handing Labour a thumping majority. Labour is now the party of Government and the decimated Tories are the opposition - meaning they will swap sides in the House of Commons chamber.

Mr Starmer travelled to Buckingham Palace on Friday morning, where the King formally asked him to form a Government in his name. He then returned to Downing Street, where he gave his first speech outside No10 as Prime Minister.

The Labour leader has already knuckled down to work, holding top briefings, which include writing letters of to the commanders of Britain's four nuclear submarines with instructions on what to do in the event of a nuclear strike.

Mr Starmer appointed his cabinet on Friday afternoon and spoke to world leaders, including Joe Biden. His family will also move into No10 after Mr Sunak's family will move out.