Keir Starmer has announced a review of Britain’s military capabilities in the face of growing threats.

The Prime Minister is heading to Washington DC to attend a summit marking the 75th anniversary of Nato.

On his way to the gathering, Mr Starmer said he will launch a Strategic Defence Review next week, which will assess the threats the country faces including from Vladimir Putin and decide how best to organise and equip the armed forces. It will include a plan on how the UK will reach the target of spending 2.5% of GDP on defence. Previous reviews have made decisions on troop numbers, as well as what ships and aircraft the military has.

Mr Starmer said: “There is no more important duty for me as Prime Minister than keeping the people of our country safe. At a time when we face multiple threats at home and abroad, we must make sure we are ready to defend ourselves. That’s why I have immediately ordered a root-and-branch review that will secure Britain’s defences for the future.

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“Working with our most important partners around the world, our Strategic Defence Review will make sure the UK is sending a clear message to those who seek to undermine peace and democracy – you will not succeed.”

Downing Street said the PM was “determined to make sure the UK is one of the leading defence players on the world stage”. Working with likeminded allies he said he wanted to “prove that progressive, peaceful democracies will ultimately triumph over tyranny”.

Keir Starmer is attending a Nato summit with his wife Vic (
Getty Images)

The government said the review will look at threats including “continued instability in the Middle East and the rise of authoritarian countries - and the capabilities we need to tackle them”. “That includes the shape of our Armed Forces and their readiness to fight, enhancing our defence partnerships, developing a new defence industrial strategy, ensuring our defence staff have the capabilities and skills needed, and delivering procurement reform,” a spokesman added.

As Foreign Secretary, Labour’s Ernest Bevin was one of the signatories to the North Atlantic Treaty in Washington DC in 1949 as it was established.

Defence Secretary John Healey, who will lead the review, said: “Britain’s commitment to Nato is unshakeable. We cannot have prosperity without security and we must never take our ability to live freely for granted. The world is increasingly volatile with rapidly changing global threats. In the footsteps of Bevin, our government will help ensure we have a strong Nato in this increasingly insecure world.

“Our government’s first duty is to keep the country safe. That’s why we will increase defence spending and launch a Strategic Defence Review to ensure we have the capabilities needed to protect the UK now and in the future. The Review will also set out defence reforms to secure faster procurement and better value for money.”

An Integrated Review looking at the wider issue of the government’s security, defence, development and foreign policy priorities was published in March last year.