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How to banish irritable bowel syndrome and stop it ruining your life with these easy tips

Thousands suffer from irritable bowel syndrome but there are things that can be done to tackle the symptoms

How to have happy bowels

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is what’s known as a functional disorder, so an X-ray of the gut would show no obvious problem and there is no single cause.

It’s thought that in people with IBS, the gut is simply more sensitive, but experts still don’t know why.

It’s been suggested it could be triggered by an infection, such as gastroenteritis, or overuse of antibiotics or other drugs, typically anti-inflammatories.

Symptoms may come and go at different times in your life so it’s a question of learning to manage the condition.

What's in our guide:

  1. Know your fibre
  2. ....switch to white
  3. Choose sourdough bread
  4. Be choosy about your fruit
  5. ...and vegetables
  6. Peel fruit and veg first
  7. Don't go raw
  8. Exercise regularly - but not strenuously
  9. Sort out Stress
  10. See your GP
  11. Take laxatives if necessary
  12. Be careful about any medication
  13. Chew your food well
  14. What what you drink
  15. Up your bactaria
  16. Consider having hypnotherapy
  17. Try Yoga

1. Know your fibre

Although fibre is an important part of a healthy diet and can protect against bowel cancer, there’s a big difference between soluble and insoluble fibre.

Make sure you're eating the right kind of fibre(Getty)

“Soluble fibre (e.g. in oat-based products) dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance which slows digestion and the rate at which we empty our stomach, whereas insoluble fibre (e.g. in wheat-based products) has a laxative effect,” explains Dr Megan Arroll, co-author of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Navigating Your Way to Recovery (Hammersmith books, £14.99).

While soluble fibre can help with IBS symptoms, such as constipation, it can also make symptoms worse. If that’s the case…