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'I refuse to throw money away on rent - so I built a £15k home in my parents' garage'

Josh Jones says it was a 'no-brainer' to renovate his parents' garage rather than spend hundreds a month on rent, but it took them some time to warm to the idea

Josh Jones outside his 'new home'(Josh Jones / SWNS)

Josh Jones didn't think he'd make it onto the property ladder any time soon, so he managed to convince his parents into letting him build his own home in their garage.

Not wanting to fork out hundreds a month to rent, the 21-year-old stayed living in his family home and saved up £4,000 in cash, intended for a house deposit. But instead of looking for property elsewhere, he spent eight months converting the garage attached to their four-bed family home in Tunbridge Wells into a stylish one-bed apartment.

He had been in the building trade since he was 16, but learned how to build the property with tips from YouTube. In the end, he spent almost £15,000 on materials and did all the work himself, which included stripping the garage roof, levelling out the floor, adding drainage, building a kitchen, and installing a bathroom and a bedroom.

Josh learned how to carry out a lot of the building work from YouTube(Josh Jones / SWNS)
He spent almost £15k on the renovation (Josh Jones / SWNS)

After starting the venture in January 2023, this month, he finally moved in with his girlfriend and says his parents are "happy for him". Josh, a landscaper, from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, said: "Renting is ridiculously expensive. I was living with my mum and dad and I knew renting could never be an option.

"As I was still living at home it was a no-brainer really. I learned to do it all on YouTube, as I have been in the building trade since I was 16. I knew what to do with most bits but I used YouTube for anything I didn't know about."

In December 2022, Josh approached his mum and dad with the idea to transform their garage into a small home. He says to start with his parents weren't into the idea but Josh was able to win them around.

He said: "Initially, they were not on board. I kept going on and on about it. The garage was full of c**p from over the years and I think dad realised that it was a serious situation when I started to take stuff out of the garage."

The builder started stripping it of all the items and fixing the roof. From there he levelled the garage floor, added drain work and damp-proofed the structure.