A landlord confessed to being head-over-heels in love with his tenant - despite a six year marriage with his wife.

Whether we like to admit it or not, we've probably all liked someone we're not supposed to at one point. Perhaps you took a liking to your sister's boyfriend, or flirted with your personal trainer in a bit of harmless fun.

But one anonymous '31-year-old man' claimed he was utterly smitten with a woman that lived in his property - and it was no 'Romeo and Juliet' kind of situation. Before delving into his story, the man explained that he'd been with his current partner for seven years and actually loved her very much.

Though, his relationship with the tenant downstairs was a completely different kettle of fish, adding that they had so much chemistry, it even 'haunted his dreams'. Taking to Reddit, he explained: "I haven't been able to get a decent night's sleep since.

"I have confessed to her that I had feelings, to warn her while she was away for a long time in case that made her uncomfortable about returning. She said she kind of knew, and I apologised. She returned a day or so later, as she was originally planning to.

"I later confessed how crazy she makes me, and how terrible I feel about it, but it wasn't enough for me to stop loving her."

Although the tenant assured him that everything was 'good', he felt incredibly awkward, with his desire 'driving him insane'. On one bizarre occasion, he even asked her to insult him - hoping that it might put him off entirely.

He explained: "I thought I could fix my 'condition' by using negative reinforcement: If she could tell me something I did that made her uncomfortable, or that I was a creep, I could just remember that every time I thought of her, and eventually I'd be conditioned to not want to think about her anymore.

"[Now], she still avoids looking at me, smiling any time she's nearby, and her laughter still haunts my dreams. What's even worse is that our conversations have become this awkward teenage-crush scenario where we both fumble over our words, but only when we are talking to each other.

"And I'm her godd**n landlord, a position of responsibility and power. If I f*** this up, all three of us might end up without a home."

The anonymous Reddit post has since been met with countless comments, with many users labelling the landlord 'inappropriate' for dumping his feelings on the tenant. One person wrote: "She may be too scared to be honest with you so she's playing along yet keeping her distance. This is worse than if you were her boss confessing love for a subordinate. You are infringing on her home, safe place."

Another added: "Sorry, dude, but you sound crazy as f***! You revealed your feelings and now she is blowing you off. READ THE ROOM. This is creepy behaviour, at best," while someone else joked: "What in the Joe Goldberg is this?"

Others however sympathised with the landlord, but stressed that being upfront with his current partner is vital. "You need to sit your wife down and talk," one said. "Tell her your issues and also you're falling in love with the tenant. Then divorce her."

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