It's no secret that everybody needs a little 'me time' - whether you're in a relationship or not - but one married man has taken this to a whole new level, having asked his wife of five years for a separate bedroom on holiday.

The internet was flooded with polarised comments yesterday, as a devastated woman told the story of her husband's 'need for space', while planning an upcoming trip abroad to attend their friend's wedding. The 34-year-old wife claimed the pair were facing a bit of a rough patch, with her partner looking to avoid a serious talk while venturing somewhere new.

But she argued that separation wasn't the right way to fix things between them, having discussed boundaries with him many times before. Taking to Reddit, the unamed woman explained: "In January my husband moved out. He said he needed some time and space. I don’t think a separation is the way to fix our relationship...

"Now he doesn't want to go on this vacation 'together'. He's not going to stop me from going, but he doesn't want to spend time with me and definitely doesn't want to talk about anything 'about us' while on vacation."

If you thought this couldn't get any worse, the wife also explained that an extra room would add a whopping $10,000 (£8,021) on to their bill, with the hotel charging $155 (£124) a night, plus taxes and fees. She stressed: "I feel like that's an unnecessary extra expense to tack on to a trip we're leaving for in two days.

"What do I do?...Husband and I have discussed boundaries. My brother is going. The bride and groom are my friends too and they still want me there. Husband doesn't want to discuss our marriage because I often get upset whenever we do."

The holiday saga has since been met with hundreds of comments, with some users claiming that her husband is a glaring red flag. One person wrote: "I would not go on this trip if I were you. I think he's preparing for the divorce and you should be as well."

Another added: "You shouldn't have to pay when it's his choice. If he can't suck it up for two days I'm not sure there is any relationship to salvage."

However, others bluntly labelled the wife 'delusional', with one person posting: "I feel like he's made it obvious he doesn't want you to come. I feel for you, this sounds like a tough situation. But I think distancing and focusing on yourself is your best option as it seems like your husband wants space."

Another chimed in: "Why is it not an option to take the flight, then stay at another hotel and avoid that whole s*** show?"

Amidst these comments, the wife soon posted an update to the situation, with their marriage now seeming completely unsalvageable. She said: "He had taken out a loan shortly before we got married and decided to not make any payments.

"This wasn't the first time money has been an issue; this was not the first unpaid debt, missing money, giving money to his ex wife, and frivolous spending... I called the debt collector to find out the details. We got into an argument and he left that night."

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