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Dads are perfectly capable of looking after their own children - so why aren't we taken seriously?

John Adams argues that modern dads are often seen as 'babysitters' or 'brave' simply for being a father

(John Adams)

It’s a sad fact of life that us dads have trouble being taken seriously.

Whenever we try and prove we’re perfectly capable of looking after children, our abilities are questioned. I'll give you a couple of examples.

Shortly after the birth of my second daughter, Izzy, I was sat in a café bottle-feeding her.

A woman strolled over, lifted the child out of my arms and declared to all who would listen: “He’s babysitting, he’s babysitting.”

I was left truly stunned. I just didn't know how to react and sat there, looking stupid while I was being made fun of by a complete stranger who had just taken my baby away.

Just a few days previously I had taken Izzy to register her birth. The registrar remarked that I was “brave” for going out on my own with my child.

It was no doubt meant as a compliment, but that comment was very offensive.

It was a baby in a pushchair, not a Great White Shark. She posed no threat to me whatsoever. There was nothing brave about what I was doing.