A former Real Housewives of Cheshire star is swapping the stage for the screen.

Telly psychic Deborah Davies who appeared on the show between seasons 12 and 14 decided to quit the programme in 2022 in order to focus on other television ventures. Since then, she's appeared on This Morning and has focused on her psychic abilities while hosting the Unexplained Deaths & Mysteries podcast.

But now, Deborah is set to take to the stage for the first time with a dramatic twist. The Mirror can reveal that the psychic will be hosting her own live event for the first time later this year and it will feature all of her spooky dolls.

"It's everything you could ever want to know about ghosts, poltergeists, demons and angels," she said before adding: "With some terrifying true stories and what the first, second and third stages of hauntings are. Disclaimer, I can't guarantee a ghost won't go home with you," she said while laughing.

Telly psychic Deborah Davies will be on stage with a collection of spooky dolls (
Instagram/ @deborahdaviespsychic)
Debbie's haunted dolls will be on display for the first time (
Instagram/ @deborahdaviespsychic)

The event on November 1, will be held in the picturesque village Alderley Edge, Cheshire. She said: "One follower is doing a 12-hour flight, I've got people coming from New York, Texas, South Carolina, Ireland, and Scotland. I've not put the tickets up for sale yet but all of my dolls are going to be on stage at the show.

"There will be real-life ghost stories and there will be everything you want to know about the difference between spirits, ghosts, demons, and what they do. There'll be a leaflet for guests to take home, explaining what they can do to help themselves if they feel they do have a ghost."

Deborah added: "I am beyond excited for this show." The idyllic Cheshire village is said to be one of the most haunted places in England, with reports about a naked wizard roaming the B5087 Macclesfield Road. Legend has it that a short, old man with a white beard had been spotted on the road but when police attempted to approach him, he completely disappeared.

The Unexplained: Caught on Camera star recently purchased a "creepy doll" that had left onlookers spooked. Debbie, who has around 60 haunted dolls purchased the doll, which she has called Annabelle for £220 after spotting it online. The star explained that she would have the doll under close supervision at all times.

She told Sky News: "I'll have CCTV cameras on it 24/7 and for now I'll keep it at my home, which is breaking my own rules. I keep the rest of my collection a few miles away, as many of them were sent to me by followers following serious poltergeist activity." She said that after learning about the doll through a follower, she instantly felt as though there may well be a soul connected to it.

"I personally feel that the soul attached to this doll lost a child that looked very much the same as this doll. I feel it's an old earthbound soul from that area," she said.

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