TV favourite Gabby Logan dressed up as a very sexy Santa to surprise her husband Kenny - but was greeted by his mother instead.

The 50-year-old presenter has revealed she slipped into a skimpy number to give him a Christmas treat but was instead met his in-law Elizabeth who's eyes 'almost popped out of her head'. The saucy Mrs Claus plan backfired badly as she opened up on podcast The Mid-Point.

She also has revealed the worst Christmas present her husband ever gave her as she told all about their life at home over the festive period. Kenny, on the show too, recalled the cringe moment when Gabby got a very nasty shock. "What about the time you came down, when my mum was there, in the shortest skirt ever?

On the podcast, she says the worst Christmas present her husband ever gave her was a pair of nipple tassels (
instagram/ @gabbylogan)
Let's hope their two children Reuben and Lois decided to skip the latest episode! (
instagram/ @gabbylogan)

"My mum's eyes almost popped out of her head. Jesus, my mum was like "Oh, my God" - and that was early on in the relationship." The red faced telly regular, who got hitched the Scot 23 years ago, giggled and replied: "It was just a bit of fun... but definitely haven't got that outfit still."

Getting her own back, Gabby then brought up the subject of his worst ever present to her.: 'I open this box and I thought by the brand 'wow some lovely underwear'.... no, it was nipple tassels!" Laughing, Kenny replied: "Protectors". Unimpressed, she said: "No they were like sequinned things with little tassels on them. They were the kind the old fashioned strippers used.

"I don't know what you were thinking. You did buy me some other useful things but it was extraordinary." Kenny added: "I bought you underwear and the lady said 'Do you think she would like some nipple tassels?' and I went: "I think she'd love them!"

Gabby married former Scotland international rugby union player Kenny Logan in July 2001 and have teenage twins, Reuben and Lois, who were conceived after IVF treatment. However, while they are proud parents, with Reuben representing Northampton Saints and Lois an up-and-coming show-jumper, Gabby has spoken about her regret at not having more children.

Speaking on the Happy Mum Happy Baby podcast, she admitted: "I thought I'd have more children, I always thought I'd have four children. Just the other night I said to Kenny, when we were talking about our empty house and the future, that we should have had more children.”

Gabby and Kenny faced a further challenge last year when the former Scotland star was diagnosed with prostate cancer. While he has now been given the all-clear, the diagnosis over Zoom rocked the family, with the ex-international left sobbing in his wife's arms. He told the Mirror: "Gabby was in the room. She was behind the screen getting ready for another meeting.

"We were so not prepared. But when we both heard those words… that I had prostate cancer, she stopped what she was doing, and we just looked at each other. So many things went through my mind. I thought, how can this happen? I’m an ex-sportsman. I’ve looked after my body.

"I had no symptoms. I asked the consultant whether I was eating the wrong foods and whether my diet was to blame. He said no, it was just one of those things. As soon as I turned off the Zoom call, I burst into tears. My wife and I held each other, and we cried.”

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