Relationship therapy in London and online

I provide relationship therapy in London, Beaconsfield and online to both individuals and couples and work with a wide range of issues that may be affecting a marriage or relationship. In addition, I work with those who have difficulty embarking on or maintaining a relationship. As a therapist for relationship issues, I can assist with building self confidence and finding who you are and what you want.

What is a Relationship Therapist?

A relationship therapist, as the name suggests, helps couples, and individuals, work through issues with their relationship. Relationships are as unique as the individuals that are in them. What one may seek from a relationship or marriage may be different to another. The relationships that we experience growing up play a pivotal part in defining what we like or don’t like and how we seek to experience them as adults. In addition, as an individual’s outlook, desires and needs may change over time, this can affect a relationship particularly if the other’s remain the same or change in a different way.

People often comment that their relationship is not as it started out. Relationships change, as over time, the partners change individually and as life itself is unpredictable. This can have an impact on the relationship. During approximately the first 12-18 months of a relationship this is the lustful, romantic stage where, for many, the partner is the priority over all else.

As you settle into a calmer state of love you may notice changes in your partner or the level of romance or sex, they may start a new project or see friends more. This is all normal but in the same sense that we can understand a lot of effort was made by each partner at the beginning of the relationship without even being consciously aware of it, relationships need effort and commitment to do well. When you think about it, it’s logical. When we want our work to go well, we put in the effort. With children, if we want them to flourish, we put in a lot of love and effort. With family and friends, if we want to maintain the relationship we make time for them.

Our romantic relationships are just the same – they require effort and commitment in order to get the most out of them and at times they may feel that they are very hard work or not worth it. Seeking relationship therapy or couples counselling/marriage counselling, can really help to understand what is happening for you in your relationships with others.

What Can a Relationship Therapist Help With?

As with sex therapy, relationship therapy and counselling can help with a range of problems and issues that might be affecting your marriage or relationship. These include:

  • Arguments
  • Different needs / wants
  • Problems with communication
  • Cultural differences
  • Money
  • Infidelity
  • Children / families
  • Sex
  • Growing apart
  • Seeking help in separating

Online Relationship Therapy

I offer relationship therapy in London and Beaconsfield, as well as online sessions via Telehealth or Zoom. Online relationship therapy can help you to develop a closer relationship, learn how to listen and understand each other’s needs/wants, resolve conflict, and work together as a couple. Both online and face to face relationship therapy sessions can be undertaken on an individual basis, or as a couple.

How Much Does Relationship Counselling Cost

The cost of relationship counselling varies according to location and the length of the session. My online relationship therapy and relationship/marriage counselling sessions start from £130. The price of in-person relationship therapy in Beaconsfield also starts at £150 for a 50-minute session. If you are looking for a relationship therapist in London the price starts from £150. For further information on the cost of relationship counselling, take a look at my fees page. We also have a number of other therapists with differing fees available via The Therapy Yard –

Get in touch to book a relationship therapy appointment.