Sex therapy in London and online

Difficulties with sex and intimacy can be very common, but also very distressing. As a certified sex therapist in London – alongside offering sessions in Beaconsfield and online therapy – I draw on various therapeutic approaches to help adults of all ages to work through a wide range of relationship and psychosexual difficulties.

What is a Sex Therapist?

Psychosexual therapy, also known as sex therapy, is a talking therapy that focuses on addressing the psychological/emotional causes of sexual dysfunctions and working through a wide range of sex-related issues. Much like a relationship therapist, a sex therapist offers counselling with the aim of exploring and understanding the cause of a problem and utilise strategies and tools to help in overcoming the difficulty. Many people also seek sex therapy to explore their sexuality, increase their confidence, or enhance their sex lives and relationships.

What Can a Sex Therapist Help With?

Sex therapy and counselling can help with a range of concerns and issues that might be affecting your relationship. This includes:

  • Sexual difficulties
  • Sex education
  • Understanding or exploring sexuality and interests
  • Compulsive sexual behaviours (sometimes referred to as sex or porn addiction)
  • Managing problematic sexual behaviours
  • Sexual anxiety and building self-confidence
  • Intimacy after trauma/abuse
  • Impact of Menopause/hormonal changes on intimacy
  • Sexual intimacy after surgery, illness or injury

A sex therapist can provide a safe, confidential space to talk about common difficulties that could be affecting your relationship or marriage. Some of the problems that a psychosexual therapist can help with include:

  • Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.)
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Difficulty ejaculating
  • Vaginismus
  • Vulval / Vaginal pain
  • Low / no desire
  • Arousal difficulties
  • Anorgasmia
  • Sexual Aversion / Fear of intimacy

N.B. In the case of sexual dysfunction such as E.D. and vaginal pain, it is important to rule out medical/biological causes prior to approaching as psychogenic in cause.

Online Sex Therapy

As well as offering sex therapy in London and Beaconsfield, I also conduct online consultations via Zoom or by using Telehealth. Online sex therapy can help you to gain an understanding of sex, to identify (and address) underlying causes of sexual issues and gain a deeper connection with your partner. Both face-to-face and online psychosexual therapy sessions can be undertaken on an individual basis, or as a couple (find out more about couples therapy).

How Much Does Sex Therapy Cost?

The cost of a sex therapist varies according to location and the length of the session. Online sex therapy sessions start from £130 for a 50-minute session. If you are looking for in-person sex therapy in Beaconsfield these sessions also start from £150. The price of sex therapy in London starts from £150 for a 50-minute session. For more information on the cost of psychosexual therapy, see the fees page.

Get in touch to book a sexual therapy appointment.