Multi-Indigenous Community Action



Multi-Indigenous Community Action


Supporting Tribal Communities in Protecting Our Languages, Cultures, and Lands.

We must look to our own people, communities, and history for solutions. We must trust our own thinking again.  – Chief Wilma P. Mankiller, MICA Founder

About Us

Multi-Indigenous Community Action (MICA) Group partners with Tribal Nations and Indigenous communities to achieve community goals.

With tribal sovereignty and self-determination always at the center of our work, MICA draws on a deep pool of world-class experts, both Indigenous and others, to bring new frameworks and resources to Indian Country, including partnerships, funding opportunities, ideas, and hands-on technical assistance. Since our founding in 2006, MICA has secured $64 million for Native projects and programs.

Above all, we bring an unfailing belief in the resilience of Indigenous peoples and respect for their wisdom to know best how to nurture their communities. 

Our Work

Sumi-nangwa (Hopi)
“Accomplishing visions together as a whole.”


Cultural Resource Fund Grants to 200 Tribal Nations and 41 States for Cultural Revitalization and Historic Preservation  

Annie E. Casey Foundation / Sovereignty Respected and Justice Redirected 

Getty Conservation Institute / Respecting Place 

Google Earth / Respecting Place 

Ananda Milliken Fund / Indigenous Leaders’ Initiative 

National Park Service / Respecting Place 

Zuni Public School District / Success by Third Grade 

U.S. Department of Energy / Community Redevelopment 

State of New Mexico Indian Affairs Department / Capacity Building for Community Development 

Federal Communications Commission / Cultural Resource Fund / Tech Volunteers for Tribal Nations 

National Trust for Historic Preservation / Native Voices 

Wittenberg Archives / Protecting Historic Native Orations Recorded at the United Nations  

Patagonia Corporation / Supporting Endangered Places 

National Tribal Geographic Information Center / Tribe-to-Tribe GIS Mentorship Program 

Center for Biological Diversity / Save Oak Flat 

W.K. Kellogg Foundation / Established MICA nonprofit / Planning for Language Revitalization 

Wells Fargo / Next Steps in Language Revitalization Tribal Consulting Project 

U.S. Department of Agriculture / Respecting Place: Connecting Tribal Communities 

Northwest Area Foundation /Respecting Place: Connecting Tribal Communities 

National Science Foundation / Healing Through Language 

Institute for American Indian Arts (IAIA) / Healing Through Language 

Akwesasne Freedom School / Fiscal Sponsorship 

Apache Stronghold / Fiscal Sponsorship 

Kataly Foundation / Mindfulness 4 All