New York City’s first lady talks Halloween and her haunted home

Halloween may not be until Tuesday, but New York’s first couple is ready to celebrate, thanks to their annual holiday festivities at Gracie Mansion.

Ahead of the three-day celebration that kicks off today, first lady Chirlane McCray may have kept the costumes she and Mayor Bill de Blasio will wear closely guarded, but she did open up about her favorite part of Halloween, what she’s looking forward to most this weekend and those past inhabitants who may still call Gracie Mansion home.

Metro: What is your favorite part of Halloween?

First lady Chirlane McCray: I like all the decorations and the costumes children wear. The costumes show what’s popular and what is of interest to them, and I think how they choose to dress up is a fascinating reflection of our society.

What was your favorite costume as a kid – and as an adult?

As a young person, I always dressed up as a witch. As an adult, I enjoy having more choices of costume.

What was your favorite costume your kids wore when they were little?

One of my favorites was when Chiara was the Little Mermaid and Dante was Flounder.

What’s your favorite Halloween candy?


What’s your favorite scary movie?

I don’t watch scary movies.

This is your fourth Halloween in Gracie Mansion. What are you most excited about at this year’s Halloween party?

I enjoy seeing the children in their costumes, especially the costumes they make themselves. The best part of Halloween is helping the children have fun!

With the ghost of Elizabeth Walcott-Gracie said to haunt the mansion her father built in 1799, have you ever witnessed her or anything out of the ordinary living at Gracie Mansion?

I’ve never seen her, but there are times when doors open and close by themselves, and the floor boards creak as though someone is walking through the rooms.