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Our Journalism

We look out for Maine. We find the truth.
We help our readers understand their communities, their state and their world.


As a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Trust for Local News, we strive for fair and thorough reporting methods, accurate reporting, and transparency. Our publications share a proud history of independence and integrity that they have fostered for decades.

local Fourth of July parade illustration


Local editorial independence and accountability to the public are guiding principles of the Maine Trust for Local News. 

Our local newsrooms’ staff are the only people who decide what stories to pursue, the timing of those stories, and their content. Our publications adhere to the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics and are guided by donor transparency standards established by the Institute for Nonprofit News.

The National Trust and Maine Trust for Local News do not accept gifts from any donor that seeks or expects control over our work. Donors are never given access to our titles’ reporting prior to publication.

All members of the public are welcome to share their feedback about reporting.


Stories with Impact

Lewiston Mass Killings

A collaborative effort from the entire Maine Trust team, Journalists in the KJ, PH and SJ newsrooms have spent months seeking access to public records tied to the Oct. 25 mass shooting in Lewiston. The pressure brought to bear by the Maine Trust team aided in the timely release of records. For these efforts, the Maine Trust team has been honored with the New England First Amendment Coalition’s Michael Donohue Freedom of Information Award and featured by PBS Documentary series FrontlineRead the story

Sebago Lake Zoning 

In 2022 Sun Journal Reporters published a story about alleged major shoreland zone violations at two properties on Sebago Lake, but there was little the town could do to force the owner to repair the damage. That report prompted the Legislature to pass a bill in the most recent session giving municipalities the authority they need to force compliance with shoreland zone regulations and to fine violators. Read the story

Homeless in Maine Series  

A moving and deeply resonating set of stories ranging from 2022 to the present, the Sun Journal and Central Maine teams have collaborated to share the Homeless in Maine series which details how housing insecurity has changed the lives of thousands of Mainers. This series has been recognized and awarded by the New England Newspaper & Press Association. Read the story

911 Hoax School Shooter Calls

In November 2022, nearly simultaneous phone calls reporting active shooters in 10 high schools across Maine were received at multiple police stations. Interviews with police officials and documents shed light on the minute-by-minute response to the schools in Gardiner and Winslow, but other records were withheld by authorities. The Kennebec Journal requested the 911 transcripts of the hoax calls made to Gardiner and Winslow police dispatch and other calls related to the situation, but the staff attorney for Maine State Police issued a blanket denial for those records by citing, among other reasons, the ongoing investigation by police. Read the story

Government Transparency Laws 

This story from the Morning Sentinel raises important questions about the transparency of local government actions and the public’s right to know about Town Council deliberations. The importance of which was demonstrated in Winslow, where our journalists have played the role of watchdog on earlier concerns about town transparency. Read the story

Readfield Teachers Union Survey 

Through a public records request, Kennebec Journal reporters have shed new light on a public dispute between the teachers’ union and school administration, handling important questions that impact the school district. Read the story

Maine Legislature Absentee Rates 

Press Herald reporters have covered high absentee rates among members of the Maine Legislature, with one Press Herald analysis of absentee rates finding that at least 13 of the 151 House members missed at least five of 42 session days because of health or personal reasons, and a handful of legislators missing more than 20 percent of roll call votes. These absences have resulted in events such as Maine Democrats ceding to Republicans. Read the story

Maine Psychiatric Facility Patient Transfers  

Press Herald reporters have covered high absentee rates among Press Herald coverage of a Riverview Psychiatric Center, located in Augusta, shone a light on the recent developments that have been happening within the facility, including the transfer of patients for unknown reasons more than 1,000 miles away to Columbia Regional Care Center, a controversial, for-profit facility in South Carolina. This developing story exposed these questionable practices and holds Riverview responsible for answering the questions that families and patients have been fighting for. Read the story

Community Voices

Local personalities – like’s columnist Amy Calder and podcaster J.P. Devine – add perspective and personal touches to the issues facing their communities. Readers connect with the voices and faces of contributors at all our daily and weekly newspapers. 

Grads to Watch
Grads to Watch

For this annual feature, we seek out Maine high school seniors as they make one of life’s great transitions at graduations across the state. The 10 outstanding students who are chosen, because of heart, talent or toughness, are likely to make a difference in the world, or already are. 

Mainers to be thankful for
Mainers to Be Thankful For

Each year we see the best of humanity come out through kindness, bravery, innovation, and determination. We recognize people who’ve stepped up to help their fellow Mainers by finding them on our own and by asking readers to shine a light on their deserving neighbors. These are the folks who are making a difference in Maine communities. 

Photos of the Year
Photos of the Year

At the end of the year, our award-winning photographers reflect on their work and choose their favorites to showcase on the Press Herald, Central Maine and Sun Journal websites and in special sections.