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Gieson Cacho, Bay Area News Group Video Game Columnist, is photographed for his Wordpress profile in Pleasanton, Calif., on Thursday, July 28, 2016. (Doug Duran/Bay Area News Group)

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Once common sights have changed because of the coronavirus pandemic. That can be seen in shopping centers and factories in the United Steates.

A security guard in Charleston, South Carolina, scanned the temperature of customers before they were allowed to browse iPads and Macs with a required mask. Ford line works appeared to be working on car parts, but in fact, they were working on ventilators in a plant at Ypsilanti Township, Michigan. Meanwhile in Florida, a couple walking on the Hollywood Beach Broadwalk did so with masks and rubber gloves on. It was the first time the path was open in weeks and was only available for exercise.

Outside the United States, the Czech government lifted restrictions on public events of up to 100 people and that meant theatergoers could catch a show as long as they sat apart and wore protective gear. In Thailand, a restaurant was using panda dolls as social distancing space keepers at a restaurant. In Nepal, farmers are experience a labor shortage and have to work harder to harvest wheat because of the COVID-19 lockdown.

The photo gallery above shows how different parts of the world are adapting to the pandemic and how it has changed others.

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