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Hustlers like Musk manipulate governments and create cartels that aggrandize themselves and the politicians at the cost of public funds.
Ringo H.W. Chiu/Associated Press
Hustlers like Musk manipulate governments and create cartels that aggrandize themselves and the politicians at the cost of public funds.

Elon Musk has no right to
jeopardize people’s health

Is Elon Musk a king? Musk’s antics in this calamity being faced by our country is only surpassed by President Donald Trump asking us to drink bleach. This problem of hyper-capitalism topped by rabid nationalism was created by our society.

Hustlers like Musk manipulate governments and create cartels that aggrandize themselves and the politicians at the cost of public funds.

Who can afford electric cars but the rich? Who goes into space but the rich? Who uses the solar but the rich?

Being branded a job creator on the backs of taxpayers is a hustler’s game. And now Musk wants to screw the workers and the people by threatening to sue and shut down the Fremont factory and move. Musk has no right to jeopardize people’s health. He is not a king. Goodbye, Musk.

Kohli Singh
San Jose



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