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SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA - MAY 5: People watch cars drive down E. Santa Clara St. in downtown San Jose, Calif., on Tuesday, May 5, 2020. (Nhat V. Meyer/Bay Area News Group)
SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA – MAY 5: People watch cars drive down E. Santa Clara St. in downtown San Jose, Calif., on Tuesday, May 5, 2020. (Nhat V. Meyer/Bay Area News Group)

People ignoring orders put
at risk all who stay home

Re: “Crowds spurn pleas to stay home for safer celebrations” (Page B1, May 5):

First, I would like to say the people who went out on Cinco de Mayo in San Jose, all weekend to top it off, are very selfish.

I am seven months pregnant with major health issues and I have children with asthma. I’m so furious that these people are so inconsiderate. A few cars out — OK, but there were hundreds of people not even wearing masks.

It’s sad how these people could put at risk all the people who’ve been locked up in their homes.

I really wish cops would have fined them. So sad.

Please take control of this for the sake of all other citizens doing the right thing.

Priscilla Gonzalez
San Jose

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