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The clear exploitation of the COVID-19 crisis by the plastics industry merits the attention of California leaders.
The clear exploitation of the COVID-19 crisis by the plastics industry merits the attention of California leaders.

Plastics industry is
exploiting the crisis

Re: “Did drop in gas revenue spur reusable bag bans?” (Letter to the editor,, May 8):

Thank you, Leslie Pahl, for your wise comments in your letter to the editor on the new distribution of single-use plastic bags. As observed, there have been no documented cases of COVID-19 transmission via a reusable grocery bag.

We should call the obvious exploitation of the current crisis by the plastics industry to the attention of our state representatives.

Like the letter-writer, I just wheel my groceries to the car and bag them there.

Recently I read that plastic production is expected to more than triple by 2050.

What is this world coming to? Whatever it is, I anticipate it’ll be wrapped in plastic.

Nancy Williams

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