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Coronavirus: Contra Costa County residents who test positive for COVID-19 must now isolate for 10 days instead of seven

Public Health Order is modified following new evidence from CDC

Rick Hurd, Breaking news/East Bay for the Bay Area News Group is photographed for a Wordpress profile in Walnut Creek, Calif., on Thursday, July 28, 2016. (Anda Chu/Bay Area News Group)

Residents of Contra Costa County who show symptoms of the novel coronavirus or who are having symptoms of COVID-19 must now isolate themselves for 10 days, according to a revision of the order from the county’s health officer.

Dr. Chris Farnitano said the decision to extend the isolation time an additional three days comes after receiving evidence from the Centers for Disease Control about how long COVID-19 patients remain contagious.

“We’re learning more and more about the virus everyday,” Farnitano said in a statement. “Based on our latest understanding, we want people with COVID to remain isolated a little bit longer in order to reduce the chance of infecting others.”

The decision is a modification to the Public Health Order issued April 3 that ordered residents with symptoms of the virus to isolate themselves for a week. The Order itself was extended May 4.

The update to the order also states that asymptomatic patients who test positive are considered contagious up to 48 hours before they received the test, and requires anyone who tests positive to notify anyone with whom he or she has been in “close contact,” health officials said.

The modified order said “close contact” includes individuals who were within 6 feet of a positive patient for a period of at least 15 minutes during a time the patient was contagious.

Contra Costa County has seen 33 deaths from COVID-19 and recorded 1,080 positive tests. They are using 75 people as part of a “contact tracing” staff to improve data on where people might be picking up the virus.



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