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AuthorPictured is Mercury News sports columnist Mark Purdy. Photo for column sig or social media usage. (Michael Malone/staff)

“May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country.”

— Daniel Webster

I was an average student in school. I received no exceptional scholastic awards, and I rarely spoke up in class.

My favorite subjects were English and the social sciences.

American history was my undoing. I wasn’t particularly focused on what went on in our country’s past. As a consequence, I did poorly in that course.

As a college freshman, I was required to repeat American history. I found taking it a second time more enlightening.

Since completing college, I’ve made several cross-country trips and visited countless historical sites. Reading about history is one thing, but there’s nothing like visiting where it all took place.

I’ve always wanted to see Washington, D.C., and occasionally broached the subject with my wife.

Having heard me once too often and knowing how I procrastinate, she made plans without my input and even rearranged my schedule to spend a few days there.

I rarely travel without my wife, who claimed her baby-sitting obligations kept her from accompanying me on this trip. I knew better. She hates flying!

I left Oakland at a disconcerting hour the following Wednesday and arrived in Washington, D.C. that afternoon. From the airport, I caught a train to my hotel in Georgetown. The remainder of the day was spent poring over the travel literature I brought along to map out how I planned to spend the next two days.

The following morning I was up before the crack of dawn — notwithstanding the tree-hour time difference.

After downing a Starbucks breakfast, I hurried to the train depot to catch the blue train and transfer to the red line headed for Union Station. Trains are color-coded in D.C. which make them convenient for visitors like me!

Although the weather called for rain, the day turned out fabulously for walking. And that’s what I did. Traveling alone also allowed me to meander.

Starting down Louisiana Avenue, I passed the Washington Monument before stopping at the Lincoln Memorial.

Although the reflecting pool in front of the memorial was undergoing repair, the view from the location where Dr. Martin Luther King stood to deliver his memorable speech was breathtaking nonetheless.

I next headed up Constitution Avenue to the White House where hordes of sightseers were hoping to catch a glimpse of the President through the wrought iron fence that guards the House. I knew better. The President was in Northern California at that time!

I continued along Pennsylvania Avenue, passing interesting buildings and shops along the way before arriving back at my hotel. Though it seemed I’d walked a hundred miles, I wasn’t even tired and looked forward to day two.

Finding a place to eat that evening was no problem since Georgetown is replete with quaint restaurants to suit everyone’s taste.

The next morning I arose early once again and caught the blue train to Arlington Cemetery in Virginia. Being among the first to arrive, I was able to pay homage at the Kennedy Memorials and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier before the touring buses began showing up.

Although the sky was overcast, the mood of the visitors was far from somber as they came from all over to pay their respects.

Leaving Arlington, I headed to the Ford’s Theatre, which, unfortunately, was closed. By then the rain was falling quite steadily.

Undaunted, I went to the National Archives to request to see my family’s historic record that was compiled by the government during our internment in WW II.

I found the staff extremely helpful and spent the next several hours going over the inch-thick file they provided me to review and copy as I wished.

After leaving the Archives, I headed to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History a block away. I managed to make a cursory tour of that museum and the Museum of American History before returning to my hotel.

I’d been forewarned that the museums were too massive to take in at one time — besides putting up with the crowds — and I found that to be true in very short order.

As one last treat to myself, I took the guided night bus tour of D.C. and found it just as awe-inspiring as my daytime experiences. Moreover, I recommend it as a must to anyone who plans to visit Washington.

To hear people talking in a dozen languages wherever I went reinforced my feeling that America is for everyone.

And, we, as citizens, have the responsibility to keep our country as world leader for ourselves and our posterity.

Eizo Kobayashi is a Concord resident and a member of the Concord Senior Citizens Club. Contact him at