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Jefferson Class of 1957

Jefferson High School Class of 1957 will be celebrating their 52nd year reunion with a luncheon at Nick’s of Rockaway. We are trying to locate more than 100 classmates to tell them about the luncheon and future reunions. If you know anyone who graduated in 1957, please call Dorothy Bouly Bolton at 359-3578 or

Calling all Oceana 80s classmates

An all-eighties reunion celebration is being planned for October 7-10, 2011 in Las Vegas. We welcome all interested classmates to contact either Laura Rayner (’85) at, or Tina Jaquez-Lymath at If you are on Facebook or Classmates, please look us up and let us know that you are interested in attending. Go Sharks!

Terra Nova Class of 1986

The Class of 1986 will be hosting its 25 year high school reunion at Nick’s Restaurant on Saturday, October 1st, from 6 p.m. to midnight.

Tickets are $45 and include a dinner, dessert and dancing to Susan Watson and band.

For more information contact Rondel Davis at or Michael Collins at may also send your email address to and you will receive an Evite with all the details.

Terra Nova Class of 1991

The Terra Nova Class of 1991 is planning a 20-year-reunion for 2011. Classmates should email to to update organizers with their contact information. Please include your name (maiden or married), address(es), phone number(s) and email address(es.)