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Jasper, a 2- to 3-year-old, male Alaskan malamute/Siberian husky mix, weighs 65 pounds but is very strong and pulls on leash. He gives “kisses” and offers his paw to be petted. He’s crate trained and friendly with people, but is not a dog park dog as he’s easily stimulated by other dogs, especially males, and needs to choose his own doggie friends. To adopt Jasper, email, call MUSH (Malamutes Unwanted Seeking Homes) at 800-399-8155 or visit and click on “rescue.”


Marie, a 5 1/2-year-old spayed female pug who is only 15 pounds, is a sweet, easy pet for a family. She likes other dogs, cats and children; has a very soft coat; and gives pug kisses. She likes to go to the dog park or just cuddle on the couch, or on the bed if you let her. To adopt Marie, call Pug Rescue (PROS) at 925-974-PUGS (925-974-7847), visit or come to the adoption fair 11 a.m.-1 p.m. May 15 at Concord Pet Food Express, 785 Oak Grove Road (Treat Boulevard at Oak Grove).