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Is Trump crazy like a fox?

Dear Editor: It would appear, in our present recession, that all of the crazies have reared their heads to see who can be the zaniest. Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Sharron Angle have all resorted to the Second Amendment to justify violence against those with whom they do not agree politically. The newest crazy is Donald Trump, who has taken the birther silliness to new lows. Then, when President Obama presented his long-form birth certificate from Hawaii, Trump immediately came out to scornfully question the president’s academic records. Trump’s behavior, which includes using profanities, doesn’t seem to bother the right-wing, who gleefully succumb to this folly.

But suddenly, he appears to be emerging with some sanity when he addresses Republicans about what we are doing in Afghanistan — building infrastructure and schools with American taxpayer dollars to have them destroyed by the Taliban. Then we proceed to rebuild the infrastructure and schools only to have them destroyed again. The pattern is repeated over and again while the infrastructure and schools in our country have become pathetic and there is no money to fund them.

Trump has come up with a moment of truth. Will anyone heed him after hearing so much insanity come out of the man’s mouth?

Jeannette Andrews,

Palo Alto

1984 has arrived

Dear Editor: In George Orwell’s book “1984,” protagonist Winston Smith worked for the Ministry of Truth, dedicated to eliminating every vestige of truth and replacing it with what the government said was truth. Winston is painfully aware of the telescreen, which is both a receiver and transmitter at the same time.

It incessantly relays messages from “the Party” and simultaneously allows the dreaded “thought police” to tune into the activities of any individual at any given time.

President Obama continued to use fear to try again to win voter confidence, selling the party agenda on “60 Minutes” Sunday night: “War is peace … freedom is slavery … ignorance is strength.”

This constant abuse of language by the Obama administration should end. Orwell’s future is our present.

Ted Rudow III,

Palo Alto