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Q My husband is very angry with my supervisor. I work the late shift in a hospital laboratory and usually sleep for a while before going in. The other night, my supervisor called and asked if I was available. When my husband said I was sleeping, my boss explained that he needed me to come in early because of a “medical crisis.” My husband refused to wake me and suggested calling someone else, then hung up rather abruptly.

When I arrived at work, my supervisor called me into his office. After ranting for 10 minutes about my husband’s behavior, he said, “You are a wonderful employee, but if this ever happens again, you will not have a job.”

Now my husband is furious. He is protective of my sleeping time and insists that management can’t make me come in early because there is no “on call” policy. He also says my supervisor had no right to threaten me. I have considered taking this issue to my supervisor’s boss, but I’m not sure whether further discussion is indicated. Does my supervisor have the right to make me go in early? And how should we handle any future calls?

A “Further discussion” is definitely indicated, but with your husband, not management. Hanging up on your boss may have been rude and politically stupid, but refusing to inform you of a medical crisis was appallingly irresponsible.

Your supervisor rightfully expects to discuss work issues with you, not your family. If he calls during nap time, your husband should simply say, “She’s asleep. Should I wake her up?” And if the answer is yes, the only appropriate response is “OK, I’ll get her.”

Unless you have a contract that dictates otherwise, the hospital undoubtedly has the right to call you in during a staff shortage or emergency. Depending on the laws in your state, they may also be able to fire you for refusing.

You are a capable and responsible adult, not a child who needs protecting.

If your husband continues to behave like a parent, this will not be the end of your problems.

Q After 24 years in retail, I lost my job when our department store closed. Because I have management experience, I decided to go back to school and get a degree in business administration, with a concentration in human resources. Since I need to work while attending school, I would like to find a human resources position. Will it be difficult to make this midlife career change?

A A major shift in career requires a “steppingstone” approach. You must identify a logical series of jobs that could lead from your most recent position to your eventual goal. Since you lack human resources knowledge and experience, your first step might reasonably be an H.R. position in retail, where your industry background will appeal to interviewers. Although initially you may qualify only for a lower-level job, you should be well-positioned to progress once you finish your degree.

Marie G. McIntyre is a workplace coach and the author of “Secrets to Winning at Office Politics.” Send in questions and get free coaching tips at