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Keynoe Fenner with BabyFace Boxing was a busy fighter last month.

Fenner competed in the USA National Boxing Championship at the 175-pound Novice Division at the University of San Francisco against a very tough Faraji Lee from the Fairfield P.A.L. on April 10.

The fight started fast with both fighters trying to set the pace. Fenner got the better shots in the first round. In the second round Lee landed a clean right to Fenner’s chin. Fenner used the ropes to hold himself up while trying to recover from the blow.

“This was the first time I had actually worried about Fenner,” said Coach Blanca Guiterrez. “He was getting hit with a barrage of punches but he managed to make it through the round.”

In the third round Fenner came back to get an even round but it was not enough to be declared the winner. Guiterrez called the fight a true test for Fenner and even though he passed, he didn’t win the bout.

On April 16, Fenner fought Eric Hernandez at Kings Gym in Oakland. Fenner lost to Hernandez in the Golden Gloves so this would be a rematch. The rematch was requested by Guiterrez.

Putting forth a new game plan working off the jab, Fenner used the job so perfectly that it forced Hernandez to fight out of a clinch and made Hernandez fight Fenner’s fight.

“That is exactly what we wanted and Fenner did exactly what he needed to do,” said Gutierrez. “He used the jab constantly and followed with body shots and hooks. Keynoe did everything we asked him to do. He set up combinations off the jab and executed his punches with crispness and accuracy.”

Fenner won by a unanimous decision.

Fenner fought at the Polk Street Boxing Gym in San Francisco against a tough Gerald Rustia from the Kennel Boxing Club of San Leandro on April 29.

Fenner and Rustia, fighting at 176 pounds, came ready to fight. Rustia, the taller fighter, and Fenner, the more active fighter, had the crowd on their feet. Both fit fighters came in aggressively, throwing telling blows and good shots. Fenner won the bout by decision, winning every round with the use of straight jabs and flurries of combinations.

“This was Fenner’s best fight,” exclaimed Guiterrez.

Fenner and the BabyFace Boxing team can be seen in action at this Saturday’s Terra Nova car show.

— Submitted by Blanca Guiterrez, BabyFace Boxing

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