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The majority of City Council supported the outreach efforts of the education community to rally behind Governor Jerry Brown’s proposal to extend taxes by passing a resolution during Monday’s meeting.

During the week of action, May 9-12, the California Teachers Association, the California School Boards Association, Association of School Administrators and grassroots organizations, such as Save Pacifica Schools, are planning events and activities to draw attention to what can be done to preserve future school funding by supporting Governor Brown’s proposals.

Council Member Len Stone cast the only vote opposed to the resolution because he doesn’t have enough information about Brown’s budget proposals.

“I haven’t read his tax policy. I have a hard time supporting something I don’t know about. I would support it if it was to support education, not the week of action,” he said.

The other council members were moved to support the resolution because they didn’t want to see the school year shortened or other significant cuts made to the Pacifica School District budget.

“Local cuts will be made. We have suffered significantly. This week of action will make people aware,” said Mayor Mary Ann Nihart.