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How much do you know about the California Coastal Commission?

Did you know that there are 75 coastal cities and counties that have divided their coastal zone jurisdictions into separate geographic segments, resulting in some 128 Local Coastal Programs along the 1100 miles of coastal California? Do you know what these Local Coastal Programs do? Want to learn more? Well, here’s your chance.

On Saturday, May 21, T.D. Gossett will address the Pacifica Democrats at their monthly breakfast meeting, which is held between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. in the Banquet Room of the Sharp Park Golf Course Restaurant. His Saturday morning talk will focus on the California Coastal Commission, its mission, the staff and commissioners, processes, past and ongoing litigations, and what people can do to get more involved.

Previously retired from a 45-year career working as a program manager for the U.S. Army, the Air Force and the Department of Defense, Gossett is currently a consultant for the aerospace industry.

Gossett moved to what he refers to as the “magical and mystical” coast of Moss Beach in 1998 with his artist wife, Bee. After moving to the coast, he became involved in many local issues and helped found two nonprofit educational groups, whose primary issues have been on infrastructure, social equity, the environment, and property rights.

Gossett promises that his briefing about the California Coastal Commission will be fun, entertaining and educational. The presentation will also include current information on the details of Pacifica’s Local Coastal endeavors, along with an update of the Midcoast Local Coastal Plan.

All Pacifica Democrats meetings are open to the general public. You do not need to be either a Democrat or a club member to attend. A full breakfast is offered for $12; continental breakfast – $6; coffee only – $3. Doors open at 9 a.m. Seating is between 9 and 9:30 a.m. Meeting runs from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

To RSVP, please contact the Pacifica Democrats president at