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In this publicity image released by Fox, James Durbin performs on the singing competition series "American Idol, " Wednesday, May 4, 2011 in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Fox, Michael Becker)
In this publicity image released by Fox, James Durbin performs on the singing competition series “American Idol, ” Wednesday, May 4, 2011 in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Fox, Michael Becker)

We asked what James Durbin’s performances on American Idol have meant to you. Here’s a sample of the outpouring of appreciation sent in to us. We’ll have more in a print edition special section this week.

Dear James Durbin,

My husband and I are Seniors and have lived here in Santa Cruz longer than you have lived. He is a barber and cuts your dentist’s hair. He also “cuts” a member of T.W.A.E. band. Those “connections” aside, we are “connected” because YOU are making us all very proud to watch someone, in our community, grow up here and become such a success. No matter what the outcome of this contest is, you are already a WINNER. You are loved by so many of us. We wish you nothing but, the very best in life. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with all of us and bringing us so much joy. I, since watching you, have caught myself singing in the shower. I don’t sing otherwise and haven’t for years. See how you inspire, even Seniors?


– Sincerely, Janet Fardette, Santa Cruz,

My thoughts on all this Durbin-Mania that has gripped us in a vise-like stranglehold week after week, watching, hoping and waiting for him to become the next great American Idol?

I hate it. Yep, your read it right I HATE IT!

For years I have considered myself an elitist snob, a non-mass media indulgent individual. Listening to friends and coworkers go on about the latest reality show exploits really irked me. Why were they so interested in some goofball eating worms on Survivor, or the latest falling off the wagon of some Celebrity rehab loser. Ozzy? Loved em live but do I care about him and his zany family? Nope. Dancing with the Stars? Puhleez. I could rail on and on about these mind numbing shows, but reading about it here would be every bit as mind numbing for you the reader.

A couple of months ago my good buddy tells me that James Durbin is on American Idol. At this point I feign a yawn and with typical disinterest reply ” Yeah. Woohoo.” I’m thinking in my head, I am so not there. I mean we saw him with the White Ensemble and he’s really good, but

My interest piqued though and I thought, what the hell I will watch this piece of Hollywood fluff just once to see what it was all about. Boy was that a mistake! James came out and sang Judas Priest’s “You’ve Got Another Thing Coming” and as Randy Jackson would proclaim he slayed it! Outstanding. Some of the other contestants were also very talented and some not so much.

So all right, I guess I will have to tune in maybe once more and see if this was a fluke or was this show going to be so consistently entertaining? Well the dreaded answer to that question is ..YES!!! Entertaining as hell!!

Now thanks mainly to Durbin’s incredible performances and my Santa Cruz civic pride, I can’t miss one damn show. I mean I am scheduling my whole week around this thing. The show comes on and it’s time for everyone in the house to “SHUT UP”. Man I am yelling at the judges, screaming that if Durbin gets eliminated I am going to tear my TV off the wall. I am digging on the back stories of these talented kids, and getting a little teary eyed when they get eliminated. (Well maybe not so much, some times.) The next day at work I am standing at the water cooler telling everyone that James is the man and is “In it to win it!” Ugh.

This last group of 4; Scotty, Lauren, Haley and James really do have some great talent. I am sure that they all have a chance of making it in the music business. But there is just something a little bit more special about James. He has that “real” quality about him. As J-Lo says “You are just coming from a different place when you sing”. He has that rock star voice and that rock star bit of quirkiness and he most certainly has that rock star hunger. Win, place or show, man you have made us all proud and when this town salutes you I will be there for sure. You are the real deal James!

Now if I can just get him to pay my cable bill

– Keith Adams, Santa Cruz

I have known James and his family for many years. His older sister, Deanna, was a lead in one of the musicals I put on at Soquel High. His sister, Carrie, did tech work for four years. Because of this, I also have had many fun times with his mother, Judy. In 1999, I was doing “South Pacific” and I needed two kids to be the children of ‘Emile’ in the show. James played the older son, Jerome, and sang “Dites-Moi. He brought the house down with his amazing voice, at 10 years of age. I am so excited to see James up on the stage and I have complete confidence that “Idol” will be here in Santa Cruz!

– Kitchy Burdett, Soquel

I first saw James perform at a venue with Musicool at the Vets Hall downtown Santa Cruz back in 2007. He was still searching for his voice but you could tell he loved the stage. Shortly thereafter I followed him with the Guitararmy along with the parents of these young musicians and watched all of them blossom into some mind boggling talent. One of the last shows I saw James perform at with GuitarArmy was at the Louden Nelson Center where he belted out ” piece of my Heart” by Janis Joplin and I joked with James after that performance and told him He should try out for American Idol. He just gave me one of those smurks and and laughed. with so much musical talent here in Santa Cruz, I have been so touched to see this kid break on through to the other side and James is truly an inspiration to all of us and it shows you the real magic of music. My dad told me as a young Musician “if you want to play the blues, you have to live the blues” James has paid his dues at such a young age! Keep on Rock’n in the free world..

– Mike Kolar, Santa Cruz

I am related to James Durbin. I found out through my sister that he is my second cousin.
His father was my cousin and his grandfather was my mother’s brother.
I am so thrilled for him. He is awesome and very talented. I know he will go very far.

– Nikki “Sissy” Kirkpatrick, Tampa, Florida

I am so happy to see James making a name for himself. I remember him when he was no taller than my knees. A very cute little kid. James’ dad, Willy Durbin was my bass player for several years in the Jukeboys Band. He was one of the most top rated bass players in the U.S. Willy, was complex, intelligent, and amazingly talented. He was also a studio musician, and worked with the band Humble Pie, along with others in the UK. One of Willys heroes was Jaco Pastorius, a monster bass player who, like Willy Durbin, we lost way too soon.

Willy Durbin would be so proud of James. When I watch James, I see the talent genetically flowing through him, from his dad. He looks like him too. Nice to see that Willy Durbin still lives through the music of James Durbin.

– Richard Lee of the Jukeboys, Santa Cruz

I will admit, up until this season, I hadn’t followed ‘American Idol’ too much. But when I heard about James Durbin’s story, I was immediately glued to the TV. I, like James, have Asperger’s syndrome and was teased and bullied in school.

He has been such an inspiration for me, as well as so many others on the autism spectrum. Whenever I see him perform on the Idol stage, I feel he is representing everyone who is facing major obstacle in their life. Other than my autistic twin brother, I have never wanted anything more for anyone else than for James Durbin to become the next American Idol. If that was to be, I would be so ecstatic for him. He is a symbol of hope for us that it is possible to accomplish anything in your life, no matter what. James Durbin and his story inspires me more than anything ever has in my life. GO JAMES!!!

– Alex Sawyers, Dublin, Ohio

I’ve never watched American Idol; don’t watch much commercial TV anyway. But I do teach acting and theatre arts at Cabrillo College and have taught these same subjects for over 30 years for students in high school, community theatre and college. So when my friend Daria Troxell mentioned that a former student whom I’d seen onstage here in Santa Cruz youth theatre productions, was auditioning for Idol, I made sure to watch his interview/audition back in February. I was so moved (and a little stunned) by his vulnerability, his openness and comfortability in the presence of those famous judges: J-Lo, Steven Tyler and Randy Jackson. I thought “here’s a hometown kid with a great big voice whose life has held many obstacles and yet when he sings all the music comes up from his feet, through his whole body and out through his soul.”

And then it just got better and better as the weeks went on. I became a stalwart groupie, a die hard fan, a rousing cheerleader. All of course in my own living room and on the phone for a good half hour after the show voting for James, rooting for James, praising and defending him against all comers. My own kids scattered from Hawaii to North Carolina critique his performances with me; they were already voting for him so I haven’t had to twist any arms.

James has a talent, a stage presence, a way of choosing material that no one can teach anyone else. You’ve either got it or you don’t. It is his, uniquely his. James Durbin is a natural and now I know, for certain, that he will make a long time dream come true. He will be a performer who is lauded and valued, not just here in his home town, but in a great big fish bowl of attention. I just hope nothing gets in the way of his singing from those deep places and that he is happy and fulfilled. Long Live James Durbin (and Heidi and Hunter!)

– Susan Stuart, Santa Cruz

My experience all started when my Niece from Louisiana sent me a text (2 hours prior to the first show due to the time change) and said “there’s a young man from Santa Cruz on Idol and he rocks!” Well I watched it, recognized the name, saw his family when he went through, recognized his mother Judy as someone I went to school with Kindergarten through Watsonville High school and I have been Hooked ever since! My family and I in Louisiana talk about it almost weekly, my husband and I can’t miss it, and I tend to bring it up in a lot of conversations with family and friends. His story is amazing, his voice fantastic and I’m behind him 100%. I know he’ll embrace this opportunity and better his life. I am so proud to have him represent Santa Cruz!


– Denise Rossi, Soquel

Santa Cruz has a certain magic about it. It is the jewel of the bay area where I have lived my entire life. Santa Cruz is what I call the place you go “to make it without having to fake it” There is a certain spirit or pride and individualism that set it apart. A community appeal. Where you show your “scars” actual and figurative with comfort as they simply are.

Growing up we often lose that, and when I feel a bit too jaded or as though I want to run from the Bay Area or CA I make the short drive through the windy road that is highway 17 to Santa Cruz. Instantly I feel a sense of calm and belonging.

I fall in love or appreciate my home all over again as though seeing it through virgin eyes. Some people have a love affair with San Francisco, but for me Santa Cruz is the epicenter. Where everything falls into place and feels effortless and perfect.

So naturally when leisurely watching American Idol I saw a contestant from Santa Cruz my eyes and ears took notice. I listened to the background story; foremost of a young man that like me was unemployed due to a layoff. The tears and frustration in his eyes were ones I knew all too well.

The heartfelt and pure love between him and his fiancee and family was also something so endearing. Again the things I know deep down are most important, and really do exist all coming from a community I admire so much. I have been fighting my own battles and been gloomy. Stepping outside myself and seeing this has been incredibly lifting and motivating…

So I am watching a fairy tale of sorts come true. So fitting it is Santa Cruz. This is where dreams come true. No earthquakes, economic hard times or any other worries can keep it from building or rebuilding stronger.

James represents Santa Cruz so perfectly. With a grace, humility, and tenacity that we all can learn from. Not just ones with dreams of fame but those of us just wanting to make it. So look to Santa Cruz. You can survive and be who you are with no regrets.

– Shelby Baker, Foster City

James Durbin, What more can, I say. One of the best idols ever. I have been watching American Idol for 10 years and I have never been this emotionally connected to a contestant ever, like I am with James. He’s voice is rare and he is a very special person. I have made over a 100 friends on facebbook, because of James. He is an inspiration to others with disabilities showing them that no matter what life throws at you never give up. Santa Cruz you must be proud ! that James Durbin is from your hometown. I hope Santa Cruz gives him the best homecoming ever, because he truly deserves it.

– Beverly Hatley, Fredericksburg, Texas

It’s celebration time for our little burg and the Sentinel should shout it. Stories about gangs, drugs, and our lackluster economy are depressing. But, every parent and teacher can happily relate to James Durbin’s story – beloved son and troubled student overcomes debilitating obstacles to find success in Hollywood. It’s part of the American dream. James can wow us with heavy metal and impress us with tender ballads. He has gotten this opera and jazz loving pair of grandparents watching American Idol and cheering for our local boy.

Pete and Michele Card, Santa Cruz

When I go to my dance class on Thursday night, are people talking about Osama Bin Laden? No. They’re talking about James Durbin.

When I go to Jazzercise on Friday morning, are they talking about the GOP presidential candidates? No. They’re talking about James Durbin.

When I check my Facebook page, do I find videos of cute and cuddly kitties? Well, yes, but I also found a tribute video by a local musician who wrote an original song to The Durbinator (his name is so easily accessorized). And most of us have never even met the kid.

In Durbin’s success, we are finding respite from our economic woes: the impossible local job market, insultingly low salaries, and one of the highest costs of living in the country. Much as we all love Santa Cruz and its natural beauty, that’s a lot of reality to deal with. So we have taken to looking to our own gentle giant, James Durbin. We watch him, vote for him, talk about him write songs and stories about him. Poor kid. But, it’s not like he’s a savior or anything if he doesn’t win, Santa Cruzans will not be crushed. We’re pretty resilient we can always go to the beach. But Durbin is riding the crest of a wave and we have decided to ride it with him. I’d be willing to bet the same thing is going on in the hometowns of Haley, Scotty, Lauren, and until this week, Jacob. I’m all anticipation over his homecoming next week.

Renee Rothman, Boulder Creek

I am a teacher and own Family Martial Arts Center in Santa Cruz and work with lots of kids throughout Santa Cruz. I knew James since he was a kid and now I have become a huge fan of James Durbin.I even had a friend paint me a James Durbin jacket that got on the nightly new twice!!. I know James from his early karaoke days. His karaoke name was …and is Crazy James…mine was and is Mr. Wonderful. James was in his early teens when he would perform with the rest of us karaoke singers…wanna be stars at The Santa Cruz Flea Market. They had a top notch system there and James and I would frequent most every weekend. I am much older then James …53…but I had always admired his voice and thought from the first time I heard him that he had something special. He was a nice kid.a respectful kid.. a shy kid…He dated my friend Daniel’s daughter. His tourettes seemed much more active in his early teen years…..but just as now…it seemed to go away whenever he sang. We had some good singers out there at the flea market…but none of us could hit the high notes like James Durbin. A benchmark was the band Journey…if you could hit the Steve Perry high notes, you had a special voice…and nobody could do it like James Durbin.

I co – created a local community television show called Santa Cruz Star Makers… James was a reoccurring guest singer…and he was so talented we always hoped he’d be in the show. Even back then , he had a flair for creativity. He was doing more then singing a song…he was always theatrical and really telling a story with flair. He kept getting better and better…We were all sad after the flea market karaoke closed and I would still run into him at other famous karaoke haunts for the under 21 crowd…including Coasters Bar at the Bowling Alley…Michaels on Main in Soquel and Ideal Fish at the base of the Wharf. Every time I saw him, he seemed to be getting better. He was doing Kids on Broadway as well as precticing his guitar at The Pacific Garden Mall. He must of been working with a vocal coach, because I was beginning to think….and say…this guy has the best voice I have ever heard. Watching his plight from being close to broke and trying to support a family to the miraculous journey of playing along superstars and legends has been breathtaking. Every week myself and countless others are rooting for him. I have friends from other states and other countries who have been followiing his progress… It’s been great. I hope he wins it all. I have loved his diversity and creativity and the excitement he has generated in Santa Cruz and for Rock N Roll and Metal Fans everywhere….GO JAMES DURBIN!!

– Scott Symons, Santa Cruz

In the 90’s, James and his family attended the same church that my family did. During his summer vacation when his mother had to travel out of state, James came to stay with us. He was a few years younger than my girls, and he missed his own big sisters a lot. We all went swimming and did other fun summer things during that week. James and his sisters were in a musical group called “Melody Makers” with Judy Smith as the director. Our whole church enjoyed these productions. He was an angel with “character”; whatever role he played he always had a way of adding his own personality to it! We are very proud of James’ accomplishments on American Idol.

– Lynn Wagner

We are two seniors, long time Ben Lomond residents and neighbors. One owns a TV the other reads the paper.Before reading about James Durbin in the Sentinel we had never heard of him. We had never watched American Idol; one of us has never owned a television.

After reading an article in the paper we decided to tune in to see him, “Our local boy.” We have met at her house to watched him faithfully ever since, and read the Sentinel and other local publications to keep up with all the positive hype going on around town.

The thought of going to the local pizza parlors with a standing room/screaming crowd has kept us home rooting for him. His rendition of “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” by Carole King made us both tear up. We looked at each other simultaneously after the first line, nodded our heads at each other and knew for sure he was a winner.

Upon reading the article in today’s paper we have decided to support him by braving the crowds downtown and at the Boardwalk.

We feel he will be triumphant!

– Cheering in the crowds, Gail Wind and Rosemary Abell, Ben Lomond

I know James but I doubt he remembers me. You see his sister, Carrie and my daughter Kiela, were close friends when they were in middle school together, back in about 1993. I used to take Kiela over to Carrie’s house to hang out and often Carrie would come to our house. More than once James was in tow. He was about three at the time and absolutely adorable. He was such a cute kid and full of lots of energy.

I have watched every episode of Idol since Season 1. This year my husband and I sat down to watch the early auditions, with the usual excitement and anticipation of a fresh new season. When James was first introduced, I was so excited to have someone from Santa Cruz on there. Then upon taking a closer look at him I realized who he was. I told my husband,”hey, I know that kid!” “it’s James, Carrie Durbin’s little brother.” It was that same adorable kid with the same ears, that would run frantically through my home with all the delight that a 3 year old has. His mother, Judy, trying her best to reign him in. I ran to the phone and called my daughter, Kiela and told her the news. She was also thrilled. Not only is Santa Cruz represented, and I happen to know the contestant, but he is really GOOD!! Man, can he sing!

I don’t expect that James would ever remember me but I will never forget him as a young boy and now this Idol run he is on. He is talented, humble, has a heart the size of a stadium, and his future is looking pretty bright.

Santa Cruz loves you James! You are the MAN!!

– Teri Parks, Santa Cruz

I loved watching him at the SC Co. Fair two years ago-an now this! and the family and his friends in band all very vital. co-host taught guitar to a band member a few years back. It’sll be a lot for the town and this young guy’s psyche. that’s really the kind of good thing for all to have right now- a young voice with heart and soul in it.

– Coral Reef, Free Radio, 101

To the Sentinel,

Great job with your persistence in keeping James Durbin on the front page!

However, today an important part of the story was misrepresented. At stake here: an easy, slam dunk opportunity for getting music into the lives of more children in Santa Cruz County. So we have got to get
this right. These kind of chances do not come along every generation.

Wallace stated that James first performed for general audiences with WAE (White Album Ensemble) in 2008. This is not true.

Actually, when James began performing with WAE at the end of 2008, he
was featured on just one song. It was with Dale Ockerman’s Guitarmy
project that James got his start. After witnessing Guitarmy’s very
first show in December of 2007 at The Veteran’s Hall, I remember
saying to Dale, just as Jennifer Lopez recently said on American Idol,
“this band could rock an entire football stadium.”

This is a really important detail because Dale Ockerman created
Guitarmy to become flagship for his Musicool. He invented this project
specifically to give kids like James and my son Hunter an opportunity
to be mentored and perform live. Ultimately, it was such an enormous
success that it landed the band as headlining act at Santa Cruz County
Fair in September of 2009.

For Guitarmy, Dale recruited Tyran Porter and David Tucker to help
mentor the boys. Considering the testy nature of this huge
undertaking, having Porter and Tucker to help steer this musical
Starship Enterprise was phenomenal for the kids and the sound of the

Tyran is a classic-rock stalwart with decades as the Doobie Brothers
bass player. David Tucker is a Berklee School of Music veteran who has
toured extensively with the folk legend, Maria Muldaur and Sista
Monica. Together with Ockerman, three vocalists and eight,
guitar-wielding teenage boys – Guitarmy was born. By the time James
became the sole singer, Guitarmy had become the most underrated cover
band in the world! Seriously. They were so good they could have
literally opened for The Rolling Stones in football stadiums and the
Stones would have had a hard act to follow!

Over a three year period, on stages like the Vet’s Hall, Louden
Nelson, and The Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, James was lucky enough
to eventually become Guitarmy’s only singer.

Dale’s vision was to be able to craft a live sound that presented the
immensity of Zeppelin’s studio efforts. Realizing Led Zeppelin’s
Jimmy Page had overdubbed many layers of electric guitar parts in the
studio, in order to create the legendary recordings that the public is
so familiar with, Dale had a vision that would simultaneously provide
a vehicle for his formidable army of guitar students and a band that
could do real justice to testy classic rock hits like Layla and
Stairway To Heaven. When James collapses onto the ground at the end of
the performance Stairway that I have included, the rest of the boys
and men in the band had just participated in a transcendent
performance that even the veterans like Tyran, Dale and David were
left at a loss to describe.

The first person to comment on my Youtube posting of the video of
Stairway To Heaven in the Spring of 2008 was James. Although Youtube
seems to have deleted his comment, calling it spam, you can still see
his old youtube monikor A1wrestling1man as the first comment on this
video: As I recall, James
thanked me for filming, editing and posting and indicated his
excitement about the band’s future and a hunger for more bookings.

Here are other stellar examples of this band:

If you take the time to watch these videos, it becomes apparent that
this band was perfect for James to use as a launching pad (we all
heard how he recently stated Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin was the one
person James would most like to meet). It also become apparent that
Dale’s vision had actually exceeded even his own wildly imaginative
vision. The vitality of all these boys playing Zeppelin classics, with
little Cam and Jesse playing some blistering leads of their own,
showed all the parents and children in attendance how kids were able
to become involved in a local effort that ended up being ready for
prime time.

It has been my hope that the media would, at some point, recognize the
phenomenal efforts of Ockerman and the boys in Guitarmy. They
literally practiced weekly for almost a year before James came on
board. Tyran and Dave would often come to these practices out of the
kindness in their hearts and their love of kids and music. And
finally, every one of the boys in that band intimately understand the
incredible challenges James has overcome.

Over the years, I have had the good fortune to been involved with the
early stages of Stevie Ray Vaughn and Robert Earl Kean rising to their
respective levels of success. The same with String Cheese Incident and
Keller Williams. In all of those cases, greatness was obvious from the
beginning and one could only hope it would be recognized and the
musicians would make a good living from their passion. While the same
is true with James, his rise has been incredibly meteoric. Yet, the
intensity of his situation compounded those years while he was in
Guitarmy into the musical period that James will always remember. This
was the time when he met Heide and they had their little Hunter and
they had monumental struggles to make ends meet. Meanwhile, the rest
of us witnessed the musical birth of a guy that will become the
biggest rock icon to ever emerge from American Idol.

Basically, I am urging you guys at the paper, the city hall to do
everything you can to promote Musicscool and Dale’s efforts. Ideally,
I would also love to see the boys get to join the show on the 14th for
at least one song too. Again, they rehearsed for almost a year to set
the stage for James to cut his teeth in Santa Cruz.

Scott Braymer, Santa Cruz

Two Geezers for Durbin:

here is our two cents for durbin

yes, we have durbinitis too

we have had a rough year or two

you know the usual

illness deaths job losses etc

but good things too

births and other celebrations

that are the essence of this life

the things that make living worth while

live cam watching of an eagles nest in iowa

the stuff you watch for in the newspaper

online or on the television

so when we heard that a home town boy

was in the running for American Idol

we tuned in and on every wednesday and thursday

we halted life and watched the television

cheering james on in his quest for success

immediately we discovered

that we really liked him

his music his comfort on the stage

his rapport with the judges and the audience

and the joy he radiated in his music

i work with patients

some of whom are facing the end of life

everyone has a story to tell

we all drag around our history

but the thing that gives you hope

is how a person can shine

even in the midst of troubles

that’s what gives us all inspiration

from young to old this inspiration

gives us a leg up on each day

even the patients in our waiting room

are talking about this guy named james

so we don’t appreciate the grouchy guy

who says Durbin doesn’t belong on the front page

anything is worth celebrating in these rough times

where most of the news has you turning off

Durbin has broken through the dark cloud

hanging over all of us and begorrah (Irish for By God)

we need to see some sunlight

so we want a parade

we want the concert at the boardwalk

even if the unthinkable could happen

and he doesn’t make the top three

the local businesses should pony up

and make this happen anyway

we are after all Santa Cruz

the place that comes back from any kind of undoing

the town that has heart and still has a say

and embraces every kind of thing

we don’t want to feed off this kid

we want to raise him up

and by doing that be a part of his joy

we want him to know the extent to which

he has filled our lives and we want him to know

how much we are enjoying his good fortune

my mom is 83 and a retired nurse

when she was 68 she decided to buy a Harley

without telling my dad and evidently confessing

that she had always wanted one

and it caused quite a stir in the family

she still rides on any given sunny day

she has a side car and last summer

had to have a heart procedure

and before three weeks had passed

after her procedure

she asked her heart doctor

if she could go for a ride

he said ok and she promptly

took off for a ride

over the Golden Gate Bridge

with all her hog buddies (Harley owners group)

possibly a little further

than her doctor had expected

but she has grit and so does James Durbin

so I think my mom should drive James Durbin

in this hometown parade next week

I think Jay Salter and his bagpipers

should lead them in as befitting

a proper celebration

and i think we should do it up right

after all we are Santa Cruz

and we should show the rest of the country

just how things are done

James is a winner

no matter what happens

let’s have some fun

– Colleen Ferrigan and Maureen Ferrigan, Santa Cruz

I was on my way to work at Spreckels Elementary School and Buena Vista Middle School where I teach music. The announcer on KSCO sand that a 22 year old man blew away the judges at the American Idol audition in San Francisco. My brain started thinking it might be James. They didn’t give his name and I was almost at school and would not be able to listen. Then the said that the amazing thing is that he has Aspergers. Right away I knew it was James and I started screaming in my car. They still hadn’t announced his name.

James was in my advanced choir at Shoreline Middle School and if anyone from Santa Cruz was going to, “blow the judges away”, it was James. It’s been a real treat and family event to watch and cheer for him. The parents in the Spreckels school district are saying, ” We have James Durbin’s music teacher”. It’s been really exciting and had given me a real sense of creditability with my students.

I don’t know how much I actually helped James along, but it was a challenge and a treat working with him. I don’t have time to go into details, but he was accepted into the CCS Honor Choir that year and the way I met him was very memorable. His fist day in class he mentioned in People Magazine.

I met James the day he walked into my music classroom at lunch. He said, ” I wanted to be in choir but they stuck me in video productions”. It was unusual for a boy to just walk in and say that, so, I asked him to sing up a scale for me. I was amazed. He sounded like he just arrived from the Vienna Boys choir. He had an unchanged soprano voice with this clear ringing tone quality and strength that I had only dreamed about having in my choir. I we asked the video productions teacher if he could change classes and he said no. After I explained to him what James sounded like he said that James could come to my class every other day if he brought a camera. I said, “ok”. ( Students are not supposed to change classes mid semester)

I was all enthused about having a boy that sings that well in my group. James had actually sang in the Santa Cruz Boys Choir for, I believe, 4 years before he came to my advanced choir. He had had some wonderful training. I told my advanced choir that I had found a boy that sings really well and am excited about having him join us. They asked me who he was and when I said, “James Durbin”, they all said, “Oh no”. I guess between tourettes and aspergers, James was not very well accepted in the student community. So I went from being really excited to being worried that my group would not accept him.

He walks in the first day of class and I was voice testing students, where I have two students come up to the piano at once and check there range, tone quality and intonation. The only person I hadn’t tested was Alyson Maupin who had a wonderful voice and was considered as our best singer in many ways. Just then James walks in. I asked him to come up and voice test with Alyson and everyone started snickering. After about the 3rd note up the scale everyone’s attitude had change and they’re lower jaws were close to the ground. Alyson went up and faded out on about an E or F above middle C. James went up and hit a high C with a strong, clear, ringing tone quality. The whole class stood up and cheered. In People Magazine, James said that this was the, “First time he didn’t feel like a weirdo”.

Let’s hear it for how music education can reach out to students.

James has an amazing talent and his whole live has been wanting to do something like this and I am really happy for him and proud to have had a small part in his adventures. Go James!

– Alan Souza, Santa Cruz, music teacher for Spreckels School District

I am the Executive Producer of the Young Performers Showcase, a benefit talent show to raise funds to support music programs in the Santa Cruz City Schools. James graced our stage the first two years of the show and brought the house down with his incredible voice and remarkable stage presence. He was so kind, humble and enthusiastic in lending his support to our fundraising effort. He was definitely one of the highlights of the show. We, at Cruzville Productions and the Santa Cruz Education Foundation (our umbrella organization), wish him the very best in the pursuit of his goal, to be the next American Idol. Go James!!!

– Rick Linzer, Santa Cruz

Back in the late ’70s my friend Jerry Best had a band called “Rodeo Rose”. I went to see them play at O. T. Price’s. They had a great bass player whose name I was told was Willy Durbin. Thirty some years later I pick up the Sentinel and read about local boy James Durbin competing on American Idol, and I wonder if there’s a connection. Now, I don’t do television, so I’ve never seen “Idol”, but as I read on I find that , yes, James is Willy’s son. I also learn about his difficult childhood and his struggle with both Tourette and Asperger syndromes. I read about how he reinvented himself through his love of music, performing with local young people’s theater groups and the White Album Ensemble. My two sons, ages 11 and 12, have been taking piano lessons from Dale Ockerman at Musicscool for several years. The next time I take them downtown, I ask Dale about James. He tells me James is going all the way, because of his total focus and commitment.

I’ve still never heard James at this point, and I am not a fan of the head banger genre, but I’m curious, so I go on You Tube and watch the audition interview with the human interest piece, and I listen to him sing “Baby I’m Amazed”. I am truly moved and impressed by what I see and hear. This is not only a great singer, but a great soul.

Now that you’re in the final four, James, whatever happens from here on out, congratulations on your courage and talent. Those detractors who put you down haven’t really listened. Yes, it’s only entertainment, but it’s also a metaphor for the strength and resilience of the human spirit through adversity, and I think we could all use a little inspiration these days.

– Bill Bortin, La Selva Beach

My children went to daycare and school with James, and I have been watching and enjoying his talent on American Idol. I especially love that he has become a role model for kids that are not exactly “normal” (whatever normal is suppose to be.) I even know some kids (not my own) who admitted to making fun of him when he was a child, and its so good for them to see that everyone can grow up and be successful. I also really hope that all of the adults who dealt with him as a child see that ALL children have potential.

I really hope he wins! He has an awesome talent.

– Becky Barrow, Santa Cruz

My boyfriend, Mike took me to see Guitararmy at the Vets Hall 4yrs. ago and I was amazed with the talent of these kids, especially James!!

I then saw him at the Louden Nelson Center; he sang Janis Joplin “Pieces of my Heart and he was truly amazing, his voice blew me away!!!! What a treat to see him in such a small venue, don’t think that will happen again 🙁

I have also seen him with the White Album, most recently at the Rio in March. I told him that night, he should do Janis Joplin, he smiled and his friends had a look on their faces like they were holding a secret and they were, James was on his way to American Idol. I also knew at that time he had made it, as friends have a hard time keeping such a secret and word was out he was on his to the Big stage of Idol.

We watch American Idol faithfully every Wednesday and Thursday and always cast our votes for James. This is a first for me to watch the show and I am loving it!!!

It is such a treat to have been watching him since he was 16 and see where he has gone now.

He has a future in music and I knew that the first time I saw him!!

Thanks for keeping the coverage going on him.

– Debi Lauriguet

I think it is wonderful that James is doing so well. I check the Sentinel every week to see how he has done. I do not watch “Idol” regularly, as I am not home at the time it is on. I am a woman in my mid 60’s and don’t usually follow American Idol. But James is our home town boy and I am delighted and proud of him, I am cheering for him every week now! I am also glad the Sentinel has followed his story so well and kept us all posted of his progress. I do watch him sing his songs on YouTube. I think he is versatile and talented. He just puts himself into his performances with such heart.

– Loree Vial-Landry, Santa Cruz

I do no know James but he has become a part of my weekly routine. As a children’s therater director I will be sharing his successes with my little thespians. I also have a daughter with a disability and he is truly an inspiration to her. His talent is so natural and he truly touches his audience with that talent and his emotional attachment to each performance. He will continue to get my vote. Go James!

– Vickie Bohannon, Scotts Valley

I had backed off on my American Idol viewing the past couple of seasons, but heard that a local kid had made it to Hollywood this time around and decided tune in. I read about the speed bumps he faced and was impressed and curious about checking out the local guy. He made to the finals and came out the first night singing Judas Priest – one of my favorite bands – and thought “I LIKE THIS KID!!” James is a great performer and obviously loves being on stage. But James is also a great singer and I’m continually impressed not only with his talent, but his love for his friends and family. When Stefano was voted off, it was obvious that James was devastated and I cried right along with him because I was so touched. Whether James wins or not, I’m sure he will have a successful musical career and I plan on being right there buying his music. I wish him all the best of luck!

– Jennifer Olds, Aromas

I am a student at Shoreline Middle School. As you probably know James attended Shoreline
for grades 6-8. I love the idea of “Durbin Day” because it is a great way to connect the community together. At Shoreline, we have banners and a timeline of Durbin’s schools which include dates, grades and pictures. Many teachers keep us up to date on James’ performances on “Idol” and we are huge supporters of him. We also have a James Durbin fan club because we believe he has overcome so much in his life and continues to amaze us every week. If you could arrange for him to come to our school, there are no words to describe the emotion so many students and teachers would feel. Although you may not be able to make this happen, you never know until you try. 🙂 Thank you for everything you do for the community and for keeping us up to date.

– Nezzie Miranda

James Durbin is a great person to begin with. He is down to earth with a heart of gold. He is real and that is what makes him a great Artist. God blessed him with a great voice but it will not matter if he did not work hard on practicing and maintaining the singing. He is a great musician too. All around he is a great human. He is the winner whether he got the American Idol title or not. I know that he will have a great carrier in the music business but he really deserve the American Idol title. My family and I believe that he is going to win. It will mean a lot if he does. God Bless.

– Faten Mansour, San Jose

Everyday I see such pain and sadness around me, with people being sick, or losing their job or their house. Cable news is even worse. When I attend the American Idol watching parties at Pizza My Heart in Capitola, it’s like getting a shot of positive, inspirational energy! I love it.

– Diane Rejman, Santa Cruz

Where is James Durbin’s ego? Not only his talent comes through with every performance, his heart and sensitivity come with it. What a sweet, smart guy!

We are hooked on James…have watched every show, and have spread the love to friends who have never watched Idol or voted before. Our daughter is a music therapist and James fan who attests to the fact that music can overcome disabilities.

James has proven that, but moreover, has proven that talent and heart can win over ego. I have worn out my redial button.

– Bonnie Williams, Santa Cruz

I was born and raised in Santa Cruz and graduated from Harbor High in 1971. I have watched Idol for eight of its ten years. This year has been an especially exciting since Santa Cruz is being represented by such a talented and sensitive artist as James Durbin. I knew his dad Willy in High School. Willy would have been so proud.

– Libby Whittier

My son , Jason, directed his high school play, ” My Fair Lady.” James was “Freddie” and did an outstanding job. I’m not sure if this was his first public singing performance, he was a few years younger than my son. I always think of James when I hear the song ,”Knowing I’m on the Street Where you live.” Ask James if he remember Jason Patten

– Betty Patten

My family is so excited for James. We watch every Wednesday and Thursday and he just gets better and better. My friend worked in the doctors office where James went when he was a youngster. And my daughter goes to Soquel High School where James went and she has the same teacher in chorus he had. Santa Cruz is a small community but with a big heart and we’re all pulling for him. He is so talented and we can’t wait to see him at the Boardwalk. Go James!!!

– Stephanie Emerson

After watching the show on May 11 , and watching him breakdown on his practice session, I was stunned to realize that if it came down to him winning or his family, he would walk away from it all for his wife and kid. this person is special and an inspiration, in these uninspiring times, I predict it will come down to James and Scotty, and James will win.

– Loretta Hunt, San Jose

I definitely have a special place in my heart for James. I met his mother at Pizza My Heart in Capitola on April 20th and learned she was born and raised in Watsonville. Being from Watsonville myself it made perfect sense to find a place here to watch American Idol. Now you can find me at Carmona’s every Wednesday along with James’ two aunts cheering for our homeboy. If you want to know more about James’ family roots I urge you to read the book his grandfather wrote at the age of 87. His grandfather, Dr. James Settle was a dentist for 35 years here in Watsonville. After reading the book I can’t help thinking that a large part of James’ tenacity and dogged determination to fulfill his dream of a singing career trickles down from his grandparents. James’ mom, Judy Settle-Durbin comes from a great & wonderful family with a firm and loving foundation. With James’ affliction with Tourette and Asperger, she is exactly what the doctor ordered. He’s lucky to have her. I can hardly wait for Saturday! What an event!

– Patty Robledo, Watsonville

James is such a great singer. He went to my high school, Soquel High. I am currently going there. He makes me think that anyone can do anything if you put yourself out there. I have his old choir teacher, and he told the class that he had to make James leave the choir because he was an “attention hog”. Look at James now. He didn’t give up, and now he is on American Idol, so far, top four. I believe in him, I believe he will make it to the top. And if not, he will surely go far. WE LOVE YOU JAMES!!! YOU ROCKKKKKKK!!! We vote for you every week about 20 times. And if you are one of the top 3, we will definitely come and cheer you on. Love ya, and good luck.. not that you need it 😉

– Emily Emerson, Soquel

For 10 years I’ve been a devoted American Idol fan. I’ve never missed a year.

And I’ve never voted until NOW. James Durbin’s voice and story has touched my heart
and soul each week and I’m proud to be living in Santa Cruz where he resides.
Even if he doesn’t get to be the Idol, he’s already a tremendous role model for all of us.

– Belinda Farrell, Santa Cruz

James Durbin has accomplished something that most people only dream about. His career is now on its way and he is already a huge success. Regardless of whether he wins this competition, I have no doubt that he will do just as well if not better than former Idol contestant Chris Daughtry. James will be a huge star and I am sure his albums will sell triple platinum over and then some.

Just having Tourette syndrome alone is challenging enough, but being a vocalist/performer and getting up there in front of millions of people with the confidence and drive that James has, is an inspiration to everyone who watches him. James has proven that he can sing anything, any type of music they have given him, he has made his own.

Being a rock/country vocalist myself, I know just how hard it is to be up there is front of a crowd.

For those of us who have aspired to be where James is now, we sit back, watch him every week and cry just watching this young man who has won our hearts. Watching him wear his heart on his sleeve was an added bonus. I have not had the privilege of meeting James, but I know several people who know him here locally. I am told that what you see is exactly what you get. He is an honest, hard working young man, who cares so much for his family, his friends and his community.
I believe it! We love you James, you are a genuine American Idol to all.

Cheers to you and may all your dreams come true.

– Julie Jaquith, San Jose

James used to jam with my son Andrew because they took guitar lessons from the same teacher, another aspiring local rock star, Ian McPherson, aka Jonny Prynce of Dirty Penny fame. The first time I heard James singing in our back yard I thought it was the radio. One aspect of James’ talent that has not been adequately showcased on American Idol is his ability to mimic other performers. He does singing impressions that are hilarious like Joe Cocker does Judy Garland. Super nice kid. I’ll never forget the day he told us he made the top 40 on American Idol. He deserves it.

– Beth Shady

I have been watching American Idol off and on since it was produced on national television.I am completely amazed about James and what a star he will be in the future. He gives everyone hope and belief, for the future of children with different behavior, that has been diagnosed by a proffesional. He is a miracle. He acts himself in all the songs he sings and he is not afraid to let go. His love for his family shines in his songs. My daughter went to school with him at Soquel high and she is really inspired by him. I think all of us parents who have children should see James as an example of what our children could be capable of. Believe me, James has proved that he lets nothing stands in his way.!!


– Dixie West, Santa Cruz

I’ve been a big fan of American Idol and have been keeping an eye on James Durbin from the start.

My Family and I get together and watch the show when it comes on and we all have our favorites.

Funny thing is I wrote down about 10 of the contestants that I liked from the get go and James and Casey and Lauren were 3 of my picks.

I’m for Durbin all the way, he reminded me of Adam Lambert and has a great voice to win it all.

James has come a long way and he has a great voice and can sing anything and I argued this with my husband in the beginning, but it’s all for fun and hopefully James pulls it off for the win.

Thanks much!

– Nadine Tapia, San Jose

What a wonderful thing that the Sentinel is doing!! Showing our local homeboy doing wondrous things with his voice, personality, humility, etc etc etc.

I am an 80 year old convert to heavy metal!!!

Having known Jame’s mother about 20 years now, I was aware of James in the background. He was a darling little boy!!! The family spirit was strong. Judy Durbin was a mother taking care of her children and helping them grow.

Although I was not aware of the musical ability of James before I am entranced with his power and control now. What a wonderful gift that he has. His ability to soar up to the heavens is breath taking!!!

Now ALL of my friends and relatives are watching and listening to this heavenly voice. I have friends from in their 20’s to their 80’s…. We all are rooting for James and I am very appreciative of all of the support that the Sentinel is giving him.

Front page news should always include “good” stories. We really appreciate the coverage you are giving James.

Thank you

– Gen Ponder, Capitola

I became interested in James after hearing both my daughters knew him from school. My older daughter, Marissa (aka Jerry) also has a form of Asperger, so they had that in common and became friends. She told me about when they went to the Boardwalk together, and James sang ‘Jailhouse Rock’ on the karaoke machine. She said people started to swarm around him, which comes as no surprise, given what we know now about his powerful singing! I started checking out James’ videos on YouTube, and, then, watching each week on TV. He has had some amazing performances, and I love the way the judges are totally charmed by him! I am sure he is one of the main reasons American Idol is so popular this season, getting a record high 60 million votes! I am so proud of him! He is bringing positive recognition to Santa Cruz! I am tickled to see him on the cover of the Sentinel, and all the articles written about him. I read somewhere that rockets don’t take off as fast as he has. I believe it! His fan base has become quite impressive, now on an international level. It’s exciting to see him advance each week! All the best to James and his family!

– Sue Schreiber

Santa Cruz is my hometown. James’ dad, Willy, played music with my sister Libby in the Harbor High School band. And, while I’ve been away for nearly 20 years, when I watch James Durbin perform, it simply brings me home. More than anywhere I have ever lived, Santa Cruz is always in my heart. So, watching James, I feel a warm, poignant nostalgia remembering home. Community theater played a big part in my pre-teen and teen years. And, I spent many happy hours at Louden Nelson Center. So, in addition to the pure thrill I get watching James perform, his music stirs memories of theater, family and all I love most about Santa Cruz. And, he embodies the very best of Santa Cruz; that edgy, creative, talented, emotional originality delivered straight from the heart. I can well imagine the strong sense of pride his “theater family” must feel in his accomplishment. He is an artist of the best kind.

– Catherine Lenox, Duvall, WA, (Santa Cruz native)

James has made me want to truly go after my dreams.

– Emily Boyle, Mangum, Okla.

Win or lose, James is an inspiration to the young men and women who struggle with Asperger syndrome. James’ passion for music and entertainment is something my son shares with him as do many other individuals with Asperger. Exposure to the “upside” of living with an autism spectrum disorder as well as opening the eyes of the nation to help demystify this disorder is a gift to us all.

– Wendy Neal, Land O’ Lakes, Fla.

I am not an American nor do i live in the U.S. I live in the Caribbean, but if I could I would vote for James Durbin every Wednesday night. From the first time I saw him perform on American Idol I realized that here was someone special. An artist who gave 200 percent .. he never keeps anything back. What you see is raw emotion, not some manufactured performance as so many singers today. When you take away all the back up singers,fancy lighting,and enhanced studio production many can not sing themselves out of a brown paper bag. He is the best performer in the competition. You can see he loves what he does, it’s his life. And to have battled through his illness and all the setbacks to have reached where he is today and yet retain that sweetness, that humanity is unbelievable.

I did not like his first song that he sang on Wednesday, it was too tame, that’s not him. But that second song was a killer despite the mistakes. It showed the person beneath the talent. And as to Jimmy Lovine’s remarks that to be a successful entertainer you have to be strong and curb the emotion. BS, that’s one of the reasons he is so loved. It’s that vulnerability that moves people. It’s that vulnerability that made Princess Diane the international superstar that she was by the time of her death. I would love to see him do more classic rock and songs that showcase his amazing vocal ability, not the manufactured music we are being fed today. Every Wednesday the person I wait to see perform is James Durbin because I know I am going to be surprised and entertained and if i have to shell out money to see someone perform that is the type of person I want to see. My only concern is the cutthroat music business and the “experts” do not destroy not only his talent but destroy him as a person.

The Santa Cruz community should be very proud of this young man and what he has achieved and support him so that he can obtain his dream for both himself and his young family by voting for him every Wednesday night. That would be a true American story.

– Joanne Cheekes, Barbados

I only started watching Idol because James is from Santa Cruz County. Following him on Idol has reminded me how much I love music, especially rock & roll. I feel like a kid again.

– Shirley Sapena

We are so excited to see James each week. My Son Andrew attended School with James. Andrew told me of one Day James came to school in a costume which was apparently quite funny. There were other stories about James that Andrew shared on his difficulties in school and how he dealt with them. We are so proud of James as is everyone that meets him. We pray for him to win American Idol. We also send all our love to James and his family. Good luck And God bless you James.

– Janet Pederson, Santa Cruz

There Is a Boy There is a boy,

A very special boy

Whose heart sings for voices struggling to be heard

There is a boy,

Tragedy and loss wounding his tender heart

Rising from the ashes, heart-wings carrying him to the top.

There is a boy,

Whose courage and pure intention,

Fuels his heart-song, vulnerable and true;

Awakening awe and compassion,

Healing wounds in me and you

There is a boy,

We wish could be our own, so intimate his sharing

So deep his soul diving, so high his freedom cry

There is a boy

Who risks it all, for love, for family, not fame

Can he feel our love, our gratitude, our shame?

There is a boy

Who is a hero to other boys and girls,

Whose trust in himself, gives his gift unselfconsciously,

Just for the giving

There is a boy

Whom every man should remember lives within

The wounded-healer, the warrior of the heart

The innocence that begs of us,

Kindness and joy, not greed and war.

There is a boy

Whose labeled “dis-ability”, is actually a passageway to greater intelligence,

Awakening the mind in the heart, presence, generosity of spirit,

True human connection

There is a boy

Who is now touching America and the World,

How blessed are we, to have this purity, this powerful-angelic voice,

Roaring from the passionate heart of a Lion.

Be our icon,

Our Idol.

There is a boy

Who is a Man, a voice to be heard and felt

A beacon in the night of our world’s plight.

There is a boy,

Who has made me cry with joy and sorrow, filled me with hope,

Touched my soul with his,

There is a boy,

Whose name is James Durbin, from my home town, who gives me hope for The future, for his generation. May we continue to be moved by and to listen to the children of the future, for they are the Answer. Thank you James, with all my heart,

– Crystal Forthomme, Aptos

He is a talented young man first of all. You can not deny that. What is truly outstanding to me is despite his obstacles he has overcome them and faced the world and showed them what he has to offer to EVERYONE. The life of a person with a disability is in many cases a difficult one. James has shared with us briefly that his too was a difficult path. However, even though he continues to struggle in his life he still gives 200 percent to us all at every performance. He steps away from the problems and the issues and is just James Durbin, singer. A good role model for many, not just those with disabilities. I work with students and young adults with disabilites. When you see real stories like his, it gives you hope, gives us all hope. Dream isn’t just a word, it can be a reality if your willing to put yourself out there. James Durbin is our champion! Rock the house James! Rock Santa Cruz County!

– Zenaida Castillo, Watsonville

Originally Published: