

Mental Illness on College Campuses

The transition from home to college can be a tumultuous time for young adults. We surveyed over 1,000 college students to chart the common stresses and concerns that contribute to students' mental health status.

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New Year, New Me

Twitter is abuzz with New Year's resolutions on the first of the year. How man of these self-promises involve goals to improve mental health? We analyzed Twitter mentions to better understand how the new year inspires positive change toward mental health.

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Mental Illness & Substance Abuse

This project visualizes the most recent data from SAMHSA to illustrate the relationship between mental illness and substance abuse.

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This project maps the estimated prescription rates for various high-risk drugs to show how overprescribing among doctors may be contributing to overdoses and addiction among the elderly.

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Pregnancy and Addiction

These animated graphics show how various substances including tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, and heroin can impair a pregnant woman and her child's development in the womb.

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The Stigma of Mental Illness

Why do over half of adults suffering with mental illness avoid mental health services? We surveyed over 2,000 Americans to uncover how perceptions perpetuate shame surrounding mental illness and prevent individuals from seeking help.

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Charitable Depression

Can celebrities help influence perception surrounding mental health? This project examines contributions from celebrities to depression and suicide-related charities to understand how their donations help raise awareness.

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Depicting the Strangest Addiction with Animated Gifs

When people think of addiction, most envision national epidemics of hard drug use, prescription painkiller abuse, or even just a cigarette habit that's hard to break. But while these might stand out most vividly in our minds, the reality is that addiction can be far more diverse than drugs. For years, the TLC show “My Strange Addiction” has been profiling people with habits that can seem almost unthinkable.

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200 Years of Mental and Behavioral Health

Over the past 200 years, the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and mental health have advanced considerably, and so has the way we talk about mental health and related subjects. How have the words and phrases associated with mental and behavioral health evolved over the decades?

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Mental Health in the LGBT Community

The LGBT community has high rates of suicide and mental health conditions, so it's incredibly important that these individuals are understood and supported. This article takes an in-depth look at the struggles those in the LGBT community face and how their experiences in society effect their mental health.

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