
Weight Loss Research Articles & Resources

Ann Simmons
Last updated:
Erin L. George, MFT
Erin L. George, MFT
Medical editor

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What Is Weight Loss?

Weight loss occurs when an individual burns more calories than they consume. (1) Achieving a healthy weight means balancing food intake and physical activity. There are many factors that can determine weight. Consuming healthy, low-calorie foods and engaging in vigorous physical activity can help people achieve the calorie deficit necessary to lose fat. (2) The benefits of weight loss include reduced risk for chronic diseases associated with unhealthy eating, increased energy, and improved self-esteem.

People often want to lose weight quickly, so they turn to fad diets and gimmicks that claim to help them shed pounds. For example, detox routines may help some individuals low weight quickly, but that weight loss is often short-lived. These strategies may result in water weight loss only and are not sustainable. As a result, when people return to eating regular foods, they tend to regain the lost weight and, in some instances, gain more weight. (3) Quick weight loss fads can also have the undesirable side effect of depleting lean body mass or muscle.

Some people lose weight without trying. This involuntary or unintentional weight loss can develop over time and is usually associated with illness or mental disorders, resulting in nutritional deficiencies and deteriorating health. (4)

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Weight Loss for Women

Research shows that women lose weight differently than men. One of the reasons men may lose weight more quickly than women is that they have more muscle, while women have more fat. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so men burn more calories, leading to faster weight loss. When women reach menopause, they have a more difficult time losing weight. It is also common for women to put on extra weight during menopause. Estrogen fluctuations and the slower metabolism that comes with aging may play a role in the inability to lose weight efficiently after menopause. (5)

Studies show that women are more susceptible to the weight gain associated with stress. (6) Women often have multiple responsibilities, such as caring for children and aging parents and working outside the home. Women may find little time to engage in the level of physical activity that helps them lose weight. Weight loss strategies for women include eating healthy, managing stress, and making time for exercise and physical activity.

Weight Loss for Men

Low testosterone can lead to higher body fat and reduced muscle mass as men age. Men also tend to experience increased belly fat as they get older. (7) Genetics can also impact belly fat because some families may carry more fat cells around the abdomen. Because belly fat includes visceral fat around the organs, it is especially unhealthy and increases the risk for several chronic and life-threatening conditions, including: (8)

Losing visceral fat and weight requires healthy eating and burning more calories than a person consumes. Getting 30 minutes of cardio most days of the week and two days of strength training can help a man improve muscle mass and keep testosterone at a level that promotes weight loss. (9)

Weight Loss Tips

The key to effective weight management is to adopt a lifestyle of healthy eating and physical activity. Setting SMART weight loss goals, making healthy choices, drinking water, limiting portions, eating mindfully, and moving more are some strategies that help people lose weight.

Setting SMART Weight Loss Goals

A SMART goal is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. (10) If someone says, “I want to lose weight,” that is a general goal. “I want to lose two pounds per week” is a SMART goal.

Making Healthy Choices

People wanting to lose weight can swap unhealthy foods for healthy options. Instead of eating candied sweet potatoes to satisfy a craving, they might choose a baked sweet potato sprinkled with cinnamon. Many people find that baking or roasting meat is both healthy and delicious. They can also reduce calories by choosing whole fruit over foods like pie or fruit-filled cookies. (11)

Drinking Water

Replacing sugary drinks with water can help individuals lose weight. (12) Water is hydrating and refreshing and contains zero calories. Because water is an essential substance, it supports crucial bodily functions. Many people add a slice of orange, lemon, or pineapple to water for a subtle flavor.

Limiting Portions

Eating smaller portions is a way people can cut fat and calories while still enjoying their favorite foods. They find that having a celebratory dessert without abandoning healthy habits is possible by eating less of those "sometimes foods." Using a smaller plate or taking a tasting bite can also help people reduce their consumption of high-calorie foods. Food portions in packages and those served in restaurants are often larger than nutrition experts recommend. Reading the nutrition facts panel can help individuals determine how much is in a portion and eat the recommended portion size rather than the entire container. (13)

Eating Mindfully

Some people consume large buckets of popcorn when they watch movies, which is an appropriate example of mindless eating. The movie is a distraction that contributes to eating more than usual. A person accustomed to having a can of soda and a candy bar during an afternoon break may do it out of habit rather than being hungry. People who practice mindful eating pay attention to hunger cues, such as decreased energy and stomach growling. (14) Slowing down and savoring food are mindful strategies that make eating more enjoyable.

Moving More

Physical activity helps people achieve a healthy weight because it can help create the calorie deficit necessary for weight loss. (15) Physical activity includes movements that exert energy, such as working out at a gym, raking leaves, walking the dog, or washing a car. People who engage in vigorous aerobic or cardio exercises for at least 30 minutes daily on most days of the week burn more calories. Adding strength and resistance training can help them build fat-burning lean muscle. Many people find it helpful to make regular plans for physical activity with a friend or family member because losing weight is often easier with the right support.
Weight loss is a deeply personal journey that looks different for every individual. But by following the tips above and becoming more mindful of personal needs and goals, achieving balance and working toward a happy, healthy future is possible.
