Trusts and Foundations

You can help save lives and rebuild futures by supporting Meningitis Now through your Charitable Trust or Foundation

Meningitis Now Trusts and Grants letterbox

Donations from Charitable Trusts and Foundations make up a significant amount of our overall income – 74 grant making bodies generously supported our cause in 2022-23.

Without them, we would not be able to support the many families whose lives have been changed forever by meningitis, fund research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of meningitis or spread our lifesaving awareness message across the UK.

We welcome donations from Trusts and Foundations towards our core costs as well as towards supporting specific projects. Here are just some examples of projects Trusts and Foundations are currently supporting:

  • Pneumococcal vaccine research - funding medical research that aims to increase understanding of meningitis and related septicaemia is one of our key priorities
  • Rebuilding Futures Fund - financial support for individuals and families helping them to rebuild their lives after meningitis
  • Community Support Officers – providing direct support to families affected by meningitis across the UK
  • Helpline – our nurse-led Helpline provides emotional support, answers questions and explain more about the support that Meningitis Now can provide
  • Signs and Symptoms cards - knowing the signs and symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia and the action to take really can save lives
  • Believe and Achieve – support for 11-25 year olds affected by meningitis to help them reach their goals

We value every donation we receive, no matter the size, and will feedback to you on how your support has made a difference.

You can find out more about the need for our work, financial performance and future plans in these helpful documents:

If you would like to find out more about supporting Meningitis Now through your Trust or Foundation, please contact our Partnerships Team.

How our income is spent

We value every donation we receive, no matter the size, and will feedback to you on how your support has made a difference.