Fast Five Quiz: Heart Failure Comorbidities

Ioana Dumitru, MD; Jeffrey J. Hsu, MD


December 01, 2023

Most patients with heart failure (HF) have at least one other comorbid condition. The coexistence of comorbidities complicates HF management and adversely affects prognosis. Although HF is primarily a cardiac issue, the mechanisms underlying the condition share similarities in systemic and metabolic dysfunction. It is theorized that factors contributing to HF, including inflammation, neurohumoral activation, and hemodynamic changes, might also cause common associated comorbidities. Taking shared pathophysiology into consideration is of importance in managing patients. Treatment strategies targeting these common causes might reduce the occurrence of multimorbidity and ultimately make treatment more effective with a combinatorial effect.

How much do you know about comorbidities occurring with HF? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz.


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