Addressing Disparities in Breast Cancer Screening: A Review

Getrude Makurumidze, BA; Connie Lu, MD; Kemi Babagbemi, MD


Appl Radiol. 2022;51(6):24-28. 

In This Article

Abstract and Introduction


Advances in early breast cancer detection through widespread adoption of screening mammography, along with continuing improvement in care and treatment, have substantially reduced breast cancer mortality in the United States.

This progress, however, remains inequitably distributed across patient populations. Stark disparities in breast cancer screening and survival rates exist among ethnic and racial minority women, stemming from a complex interplay of patient, provider, and health system-related factors.

Without a concerted effort to make the elimination of such disparities a priority of healthcare and public policy leaders, inequities in breast cancer care are destined to persist, to the detriment of providers and patients alike.
