Yann Philippin

Diplômé de l'IEP de Grenoble et du Centre de formation des journalistes (CFJ) de Paris, j'ai démarré ma carrière en 2000 comme journaliste économique, d'abord spécialisé dans les technologies, puis les entreprises. Avant Mediapart, j'ai travaillé pour le magazine Futur(e)s, comme indépendant, à l'agence Reuters, au Journal du Dimanche, puis à Libération, aux services économie puis investigation.

Dans ces médias, j'ai couvert de nombreux secteurs de l'économie française (aéronautique, automobile, santé, industrie, transports...) et enquêté sur des affaires économiques (Airbus, crash du vol Rio Paris d'Air France, Mediator, accident SNCF de Brétigny, fortune belge de Bernard Arnault, affaire Qatar-Veolia...) puis politico-financières (Tapie, Dassault). Je suis le co-auteur du livre Dassault Système (Robert Laffont), avec ma consoeur de France Inter Sara Ghibaudo.

J'ai rejoint Mediapart au services enquêtes en mars 2015. Spécialisé dans les affaires financières, de fraude fiscale et de corruption, je travaille notamment sur les "leaks", ces fuites de données massives qui ont nourri les enquêtes Football Leaks ou Malta Files, publiées par Mediapart avec ses partenaires du réseau European Investigative Collaborations (EIC).

Consulter ici ma déclaration d'intérêts.



Declaration of interest

In the interest of transparency towards its readers, Mediapart’s journalists fill out and make public since 2018 a declaration of interests on the model of the one filled out by members of parliament and senior civil servants with the High Authority for Transparency and Public Life (HATVP), a body created in 2014 after Mediapart’s revelations on the Cahuzac affair.

Consult my declaration of interests

All his articles

  • Revealed: the Élysée's concessions to ensure success of state visit by Qatar's emir

    International — Investigation

    The emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, made a two-day state visit to Paris earlier this week. French government documents drawn up to prepare for the trip – seen by Mediapart - show the concessions that the French presidency was prepared to grant in order to curry favour with the head of the gas-rich emirate. The visit also came against the backdrop of the crisis in Gaza in which Qatar is playing a major mediation role. France was rewarded with the announcement that Qatar, which already has substantial interests in the country including the ownership of Paris Saint-Germain football club, will now invest a further ten billion euros here. Yann Philippin and Yunnes Abzouz report.

  • 'Rafale Papers': India impedes French judicial probe into Dassault

    International — Investigation

    Though it has not said so officially, the Indian government of prime minister Narendra Modi is refusing to comply with a request for international cooperation made by French judges. The two investigating magistrates want access to key documents as part of their probe into alleged corruption over the sale of 36 Dassault-built Rafale fighter jets to India in 2016 for 7.8 billion euros. Yann Philippin investigates.

  • 'Qatargate': after the discovery of 800,000 euros in cash, Eva Kaili's compromising text messages

    International — Investigation

    Mediapart and the European Investigative Collaborations (EIC) network can reveal that the Greek Member of the European Parliament Eva Kaili, who is under investigation in the 'Qatargate affair', conducted an influence operation on behalf of the Gulf state, working directly with hidden lobbyists and two Qatari ministers. Kaili, who was the vice-president of the European Parliament, denies being guided in her actions by the lobbyists. Louis Colart and Yann Philippin report.

  • Diplomatic tour to Europe by Libyan military strongman's son ends in fiasco

    France — Investigation

    In recent months Siddiq Haftar, the eldest son of Libyan military strongman and suspected war criminal Khalifa Haftar, has been seeking to establish his international credentials as he eyes a possible bid to be his country's president one day. One of his ambitions was to be greeted in style at the European Parliament, and he duly visited the institution in September. But, as Mediapart reveals, the visit, led by a media-friendly imam and a far-right Member of the European Parliament, turned to fiasco. Yann Philippin and Antton Rouget report.

  • Predator Files: surveillance kit for dictatorships with the collusion of France's DGSE secret service

    International — Investigation

    The Predator Files investigation has revealed how the French external intelligence agency, the DGSE, cooperated very closely with the surveillance equipment firm Nexa. This is despite the fact that the French group was suspected by French prosecutors of being complicit in torture by exporting its products to dictatorial regimes. Nexa's clients have also included several French ministries and a number of the country's intelligence agencies. Yann Philippin and Matthieu Suc report.

  • Predator Files: President Macron, Alexandre Benalla and a French firm's attempts to sell spyware to Saudi Arabia

    International — Investigation

    Mediapart is part of an international investigation called 'Predator Files' which has revealed how French group Nexa sold the spy software 'Predator' to three autocratic regimes. The same media investigation shows that, after making direct contact with President Emmanuel Macron, the company used his former bodyguard and personal security adviser Alexandre Benalla to try to sell spyware to Saudi Arabia. This was despite the murder of Saudi regime critic and journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Yet 18 months after these deeply embarrassing facts for the Élysée were unearthed, a judicial investigation has stalled. Yann Philippin and Antton Rouget report.

  • How a Swiss firm handed UAE names of 1,000 supposed Muslim Brotherhood sympathisers in Europe

    International — Investigation

    Mediapart and its partners in the journalistic consortium European Investigative Collaborations (EIC) can reveal here how a private Swiss firm sent to the intelligence services of the United Arab Emirates the names of more than 1,000 European individuals and organisations who it described, often wrongly, as being close to the Muslim Brotherhood. Among the more than 200 French victims who feature on the absurd lists figure former minister and Socialist Party presidential election candidate Benoît Hamon and the former senator and now deputy mayor of Marseille, Samia Ghali. Also listed, as organisations, are France’s prestigious National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the political party La France Insoumise. Clément Fayol, Yann Philippin, Antton Rouget and Antoine Harari report.     

  • Football Leaks whistleblower Rui Pinto handed four-year suspended prison term


    Rui Pinto, the whistleblower behind the “Football Leaks” revelations of corruption and fraud within the business side of football, has been given a four-year suspended prison sentence by a court in Portugal after he was found guilty of computer hacking charges and attempted extortion. Despite a heavier sentence demanded by prosecutors, Pinto, 34, escaped returning to prison after the court in Lisbon recognised the “public interest” of the information he gained through the hacking, and took into account the regrets he expressed during the three-year trial. Yann Philippin reports.

  • Rafale Papers: how Indian tycoon sought help of Macron and finance minister over tax bill

    Corruption — Investigation

    France’s 7.8-billion-euro sale to India in 2016 of 36 Dassault-built Rafale fighter jets, the subject of an ongoing French judicial investigation, is mired by suspected corruption involving politicians and industrialists. As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who signed the deal, prepares to attend France’s Bastille Day celebrations as guest of honour, documents obtained by Mediapart reveal how Modi’s billionaire friend, Anil Ambani, boss of the Indian conglomerate Reliance Group, which was handed a lucrative contract as a condition of the Rafale sale, directly solicited the intervention of then economy minister Emmanuel Macron and finance minister Michel Sapin in a bid to escape a 151-million-euro tax claim against his French subsidiary. The tax adjustment was finally cut down to 6.6 million euros. Yann Philippin reports.

  • Living in luxury: how families of Russian oligarchs escape war sanctions in France

    Europe — Investigation

    Mediapart can reveal that close family members of Russians sanctioned after the invasion of Ukraine are continuing to use their luxury properties in France, which have escaped from being frozen by the French Treasury as assets. Among those benefiting include family members of Vladimir Putin's veteran spokesperson Dmitry Peskov and several oligarchs. The revelations emerge from a joint investigation carried out with the German NGO Civil Forum for Asset Recovery (CIFAR) and media network European Investigative Collaborations (EIC). Sébastien Bourdon, Yann Philippin and Alexandre Brutelle (CIFAR) report. 

  • Qatari lobbyist takes legal action after revelations of alleged UAE meddling in France

    International — Investigation

    Former French police officer Sihem Souid, who now lobbies on behalf of Qatar, has made a formal legal complaint to the prosecution authorities in Paris after revelations by Mediapart and 'The New Yorker' magazine over alleged intelligence-gathering operations and attempts to gain influence in France carried out on behalf of the United Arab Emirates. As Mediapart has revealed, these operations were carried out for Qatar's regional rivals the UAE by a private Swiss agency called Alp Services. The legal complaint made by the lobbyist centres on photographs which suggest that her family home may have been the target of surveillance. Yann Philippin reports.

  • PSG and BeIN Sports boss Nasser al-Khelaifi in second illegal employment complaint

    Justice — Investigation

    The Paris public prosecution services are investigating two formal complaints, the latest filed on March 23rd, alleging that Nasser al-Khelaifi, president of the Paris Saint-Germain football club and also chairman of Qatari broadcaster BeIN Sports, illegally employed in France his former major-domo and an advisor by paying them through fake contracts as coaches with his Smash Tennis Academy in Doha. Khelaifi, one of the most powerful figures in world football, denies the accusations. Yann Philippin reports.

All his blog posts

Mediapart’s journalists also use their blogs, and participate in their own name to this space of debates, by confiding behind the scenes of investigations or reports, doubts or personal reactions to the news.

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Yann Philippin

Mediapart Journalist

2 Posts

0 Editions

  • Les Football Leaks débarquent à Lyon

    Blog post

    Notre partenaire Mediacités, site d’investigation en régions, célèbre son lancement à Lyon avec une série d’enquêtes sur les coulisses financières du football, basée sur les documents Football Leaks.

  • Lingots d’or de Puteaux : la manœuvre déloyale de Joëlle Ceccaldi-Raynaud

    Blog post

    En annonçant sa volonté de poursuivre Mediapart pour « violation du secret de l’instruction » au sujet de notre article sur ses 102 lingots d’or exfiltrés du Luxembourg, la maire de Puteaux cherche à identifier nos sources en évitant de répondre sur le fond.