‘Why Should Voters Trust Your Judgment Now?’ CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Presses Chris Christie Over Past Support For Trump


CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer pressed former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie over his past support for his current GOP primary opponent, former President Donald Trump.

Christie joined Blitzer for an interview on Thursday evening where the anchor confronted the Republican presidential hopeful over a new campaign advertisement showing the governor apologizing for endorsing Trump.

“When I decided to endorse Donald Trump for president, I did it because he was winning. And I did it because I thought I could make him a better candidate and a better president. Well, I was wrong. I made a mistake,” Christie says in the digital advertisement.

Christie famously supported Trump after dropping out of the 2016 GOP primary and played a role on his presidential transition team after he won the general election. Blitzer confronted Christie over why voters should trust his judgment now.

BLITZER: Governor, why should voters trust your judgment now? And what other mistakes have you made?

CHRISTIE: Well, jeez, Wolf, I don’t know. Are we going to have an hour-long program to review all of that? I mean, any person who’s lived 61 years, there’s a number of mistakes I’ve made over time. I think the difference between me and other people in this business is, I’m willing to admit when I make a mistake. And I think that’s what that digital ad is all about. And I think we’d be a much better country. And our government would be run much better if people didn’t try to pretend they were perfect. I think the public knows that there’s no perfect person out there.

Certainly, no one who’s offering themselves their office who are perfect. And when I make a mistake, I’m willing to admit it. I’ve done that in the past, you know, not only here in this campaign, but when I was governor of New Jersey when I made a mistake, I’d admit it. I did what I thought was best at the time, but I turned out to be wrong. And when you decide that you did something that you think was a mistake, I think the right thing to do, the way I was brought up was to admit that.

BLITZER: And the way I was brought up as well, you admit your mistakes and you move on.

Watch the clip above via CNN.

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