Univision Anchor Completely Nukes Biden on Inflation in Scorching Commentary: ‘Stop the Blame Game’ Because People ‘Can’t Take it Anymore!’


Univision’s Luis Carlos Vélez tore into President Joe Biden on Univision this week — blasting him in a scathing critique that would give the most anti-Biden Fox News hosts a run for their money.

Closing out Univision’s Firing Line this week, Vélez took aim at Biden’s speech on the economy and inflation, saying people were “flabbergasted” by it, and taking the president to task for blaming everyone and everything else for the situation.

Jorge Bonilla of conservative website Newsbusters posted the clip on Twitter with a translation.

“President Biden. Please. Stop the blame game and face the inflation problem in this country. People just can’t take it anymore! Your words today just flabbergasted us all, OK?” Vélez said. He called Biden’s speech a “shameless opportunity to attack Republicans” and more “blame game” politics.

On Tuesday, the president acknowledged record inflation is hurting Americans and targeted Republicans for not having a plan. He also claimed his administration’s policies have helped, rather than hurt the situation.

As Vélez spoke, images were shown to help emphasize the economic situation in the U.S., displaying people at gas stations and restaurants, two industries that have seen rising prices due to the inflation situation.

“This is the situation — the worst inflationary situation in 40 years. 40. It’s time to blame the moon, the stars, the sun, clearly,” he said. “The worst part of Covid was two years ago. And we were already recovering economically when you arrived. It was the administration’s fault for handing out stimulus packages when people no longer needed them. And it is your fault to this day we have not set a motion in plan to solve the supply chain problem.”

The responsibility for the economic situation in the U.S. falls “solely” on Biden, Vélez argued in the clip, asking at one point: “How much longer, Mr. President?”

“People eat off of wages, jobs, and opportunities,” the host said. “The responsibility to do something falls solely upon you, Mr. President.”

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Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.