Tucker Carlson Skeptical of Fox News Calling Arizona for Biden: I’m Not Certain ‘How That Decision Was Made’


Fox News was the first major outlet on election night that called Arizona for Joe Biden, setting off some fury among Team Trump, which as of this posting has been saying the call was premature. Even the governor of Arizona argued it’s too early to make a call.

Fox News politics editor Chris Stirewalt as well as Decision Desk head Arnon Mishkin appeared on the network to defend the Arizona call amid the great skepticism. “I’m sorry, we’re not wrong,” Mishkin said.

But that skepticism was echoed by Fox’s own Tucker Carlson.

Bret Baier noted the Team Trump pushback and said his phone is “lighting up” with Republicans saying it’s too early a call.

“There has been a great deal of pushback from the president, his staff, the governor of Arizona,” Carlson said. “I’m not privy to the math, I’m not certain how that — even after the explanation from Chris Stirewalt — how that decision was made, so I’m sure there’s a reason for it. I don’t know what it is. I know that people are very concerned about the media in general. I think our viewers trust us, but people are concerned.”

He also pushed back on the idea that the pre-election polls were good, saying, “It’s just not true. If it were true, the New York Times wouldn’t have given Joe Biden a 70 percent chance this morning of winning, Florida,. Some where good, some were bad.”

Carlson went on to chastise the media more broadly and say “we should be honest about the times that we were wrong.”

At one point Baier asked, “Is the pulling industry dead?”

“I really hope so,” Carlson said. “I can name some of the people that should be much fired immediately. And I think I will. I just need to calm down enough to get their names on paper.”

You can watch above, via Fox News.

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Josh Feldman is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Email him here: josh@mediaite.com Follow him on Twitter: @feldmaniac