Tucker Carlson Rips Dems for Running ‘Brain-Damaged’ John Fetterman After Stroke: ‘They Did it with Biden’


Tucker Carlson described Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (D-PA) as a “brain-damaged” candidate who Democrats want in the Senate so they can control him.

On the heels of Fetterman’s announcement that he will debate GOP Senate candidate Mehmet Oz as he struggles to regain his speech following a stroke in May, the Fox News host skewered him.

Carlson portrayed him as the perfect candidate to run and win, as he is “completely impaired.”

“That’s not some kind of Republican talking point,” Carlson said. “It’s completely real. So think about what that means. The Democratic Party has not replaced him. This has been going on since he got the nomination, but he’s still in the race.”

The Fox News host added:

That is shocking and it’s insulting, not simply to voters in Pennsylvania, but to the rest of us who, if this guy is elected, will have to live under his rule. But the Democratic Party prefers it that way. They did it with Biden.

They’re trying to do it again with Fetterman. Run a wax dummy for office. People who can’t form complete sentences apparently seem less threatening to voters.

Carlson said like President Joe Biden, Fetterman now “can’t talk,” and thus, would be easy for the party to “control.”

The host played a video of Fetterman hitting back at Oz for his health a campaign issue, and for “making fun” of him.

“If you’ve got a problem with a brain-damaged senator, then you’re a bigot,” Carlson responded.

He added:

It’s considered completely out of bounds to mention the fact that John Fetterman is completely incapable of representing Pennsylvania in the United States Senate.


This guy, an incompetent husk with incredibly stupid and totally provably destructive ideas, a man with no record of achievement at all, a man with a long list of documented failures, a man who, by the way, cannot think clearly, if they can do that, they can do literally anything.

Watch above, via Fox News.

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