Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Oz After Questioning His Candidacy: He’s ‘Getting Crushed by a Stroke Victim Who’s Already Crazy’


Mehmet Oz joined Tucker Carlson Monday to rip his Democratic opponent, Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (D-PA). The Fox News host said three weeks ago Fetterman was crushing the former TV doctor.

On Aug. 19, Carlson described Fetterman as a “stroke victim” who was crushing Oz, citing polling in the contentious Pennsylvania Senate race.

Carlson indicated he was bewildered at Oz’s apparent poor performance with voters. He said:

Talent, decency, charm, money, name recognition, all the right endorsements – who is nevertheless losing by a big margin as a Republican in what should be a Republican wave election to a radical and incompetent Democrat lieutenant governor, who’s presided over the decline of the state, and who – by the way – who’s had a stroke and can no longer speak in complete sentences.

He added, “Dr. Oz is getting crushed by a stroke victim who was already crazy.”

Polling has tightened a bit since Carlson made the comments, and the show branded Oz a “nice guy” but a “bad candidate” in a chyron.

Fox News

Carlson’s comments were not discussed by the duo during Monday’s interview, nor was the chyron. The host did invoke the stroke Fetterman had in the spring, which is generating headlines.

The Washington Post editorial board called for Fetterman to release his medical records Monday in an op-ed.

“He receives speech therapy — and we wish him a speedy, full recovery — but the lingering, unanswered questions about his health, underscored by his hesitation to debate, are unsettling,” the board wrote.

The host called Fetterman “cognitively impaired.”

“I am not mocking a guy for having a stroke, but we have to live under him if he makes it to the Senate,” Carlson told Oz while criticizing Fetterman for not agreeing to a debate before early voting begins in the race. “He wants to boot the debate until after all of the early voting is conducted?”

Oz criticized Fetterman for not campaigning throughout the interview and both painted him as a man who has never worked and whose ideas are too radical.

Watch above, via Fox News.

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