Trump Claims ‘We’re Gonna Have a New Form of Crime’ Because of Immigrants


Former President Donald Trump said immigrants are bringing “a new form of crime” to the U.S. thanks to President Joe Biden.

Trump phoned into Monday’s Hannity on Fox News, where he slammed Biden over the southern border and immigration in general. The former president made the border the centerpiece of his 2016 campaign and is reprising it as an issue ahead of November’s election. Earlier this year, Trump tanked a bipartisan immigration bill because he wanted to continue using the border as a cudgel against the president.

“As we say now, every new state is a border state,” he told Sean Hannity. “Whether it’s Idaho Iowa or Ohio, it doesn’t make any difference. They’re all border states because they’re all pouring through our country.”

Trump then again baselessly claimed the Biden administration is “flying tens of thousands of people into our country.”

The ex-president then went on to state that Biden and immigrants have come together to pioneer “a new form of crime”:

And if you look at it Venezuela, their crime is down 72%. Their crime– think of it. Down the 72 and ours is up. And we’re gonna have a new form of crime because these people are just getting comfortable. They’re just getting settled in. We’re gonna have a new form of crime and it’s called Biden migrant crime. And that’s– it’s a new category.

And it’s a very serious category, and it might blow all of our crime out of the window because frankly, you could probably double– when I tell you those numbers in Chicago where 17 people dying this weekend, think of it, over a weekend, over a three-day period, four-day period, you had over 100 people shot and 17 people dead. And that probably doesn’t include the migrants, although I guarantee you there was some of that in there too.

We have a new form, it’s a new category, and it’s gonna be very, very serious for a long time to come. And we have to get them out of our country. We don’t want them out. They drop them out of their jails and prisons. We don’t want them in our country. It’s not sustainable by any country.

Watch above via Fox News.

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Mike is a Mediaite senior editor who covers the news in primetime.