Trump Campaign Official Calls for ‘Total Surrender’ by Democrats


A campaign official for Donald Trump called for a “total surrender” from Democrats in the presidential election, stating that the former president’s return to the White House is inevitable.

President Joe Biden alarmed members of his party with a shockingly bad debate performance on Thursday in which he stumbled and bumbled his way through answers, declaring at one point, “We finally beat Medicare.”

The performance spurred open discussions in Biden-friendly media organizations about possibly replacing the president on the ticket, even at this late stage. Post-debate polls show Biden has shed some support, but the White House has pushed back and the president told staffers on Wednesday, “I’m not leaving.”

Caroline Sunshine, the deputy communications director for Trump’s campaign, appeared on Fox News on Wednesday and called for Democrats to take a dive in the election.

“Let me ask you this,” host Bret Baier said before asking if Biden is the person Trump would rather face. “Does the campaign want to keep Joe Biden as the nominee?

“I don’t think the American people or the Democrat Party want to keep Joe Biden as the nominee,” she replied. “But whoever the Democrats decide to run – maybe they select somebody who’s more active outside of the hours of 10 and 4:00 pm and maybe they don’t – but there isn’t anybody they can put up as we saw in the recent round of polls who can beat President Trump.”

She then offered some “advice” to Democrats.

“My advice to the Democrat Party would be total surrender,” Sunshine continued. “Save yourselves millions of dollars, do the right thing for the country, sit this presidential election cycle out.”

“Pretty sure that’s not gonna happen,” Baier replied.

Watch above via Fox News.

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Mike is a Mediaite senior editor who covers the news in primetime.